Home » Milei threatens to take away social assistance from those who block the street to protest – EntornoInteligente

Milei threatens to take away social assistance from those who block the street to protest – EntornoInteligente

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Milei threatens to take away social assistance from those who block the street to protest – EntornoInteligente

The Minister of Human Capital asks mothers not to attend the protests with their children because it is “unnecessary to expose them to heat and violence.” The left denounces the Government before justice

Tension is increasing in Argentina on the eve of the first protest called against the Government of Javier Milei. The president’s tough plan against the demonstrations will be put to the test this Wednesday, when left-wing organizations march to the central Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires against the cut of 20 billion dollars in public spending and what they consider a “criminalization of protest”. After announcing that the security forces will act against any street blockade “until the circulation space is completely freed,” the far-right Government redoubled its threats this Monday: it will withdraw all social aid to anyone who blocks a street. Opposition deputies stated that it is an unconstitutional measure and They reported her to court.

“He who cuts does not get paid,” warned the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, in a brief message spread through the Executive’s social networks. His words seek to intimidate the most vulnerable population, which depends on social plans to survive, and inaugurate a new difference according to social class: cutting a street in the Argentina chaired by Milei will have a higher risk for the poor than for the rich. .

The good Argentines that Milei always addresses do not block streets, a message that has selective memory seems to say between the lines: during the pandemic, the current Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, participated and encouraged protests against the long confinement decreed by the Peronist government and the scandal of the VIP vaccination center that operated in the Ministry of Health.

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In his brief message, Pettovello pointed out that “although it is a right to demonstrate, so is the right of people to move freely to go to work.” The mobilization is called in the afternoon, when the majority of Argentines return to their homes, but, regardless of the schedule, the idea is to maintain a policy of zero tolerance towards those who fail to comply with the new protocol. This forces people to demonstrate on the sidewalk instead of marching in the street, as is usual in Argentina.

The Government expects an increase in social conflict due to the economic deterioration that its adjustment plan of 5% of GDP by 2024, equivalent to about 20 billion dollars, will cause. More inflation, more hunger and more poverty are expected. But even before, protests in Buenos Aires were almost daily. Anyone who has walked around the Obelisk, the Plaza de Mayo or in front of the ministries (now secretariats) of Labor and Development may have encountered some demonstration that forced traffic to be diverted.

Milei wants it to stop being like this, like many of those who voted for him, and demands that those protesting respect the passage of cars and traffic signs. However, the new rules will be even more difficult to comply with in the case of mass mobilizations, such as the one on March 8 for International Women’s Day or the one on the 24th of that same month, when thousands of people demonstrate against the dictatorship. on the anniversary of the last coup d’état.

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