Home » Macron visits India as chief guest for Republic Day next month… 6th time in history :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

Macron visits India as chief guest for Republic Day next month… 6th time in history :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Macron visits India as chief guest for Republic Day next month…  6th time in history :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

Guest of honor visits on January 26th next year… Due to U.S. President Biden’s absence

[파리=AP/뉴시스] French President Emmanuel Macron (left) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi are waving to reporters before a dinner held at the Elysee Palace in Paris on the 13th (local time). Prime Minister Modi will attend the ‘Bastille Day’ parade, the French Bastille Day, along with President Macron on the 14th. 2023.07.14.[파리=AP/뉴시스] French President Emmanuel Macron visits India as the guest of honor on Republic Day. The photo shows President Macron (left) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi waving to reporters before a dinner held at the Elysee Palace in Paris, the French capital, on July 13 (local time). 2023.12.24.

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Myungdong Lee = French President Emmanuel Macron visits India as the guest of honor on Republic Day.

According to the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 22nd (local time), President Macron will visit India as the guest of honor at the 75th Republic Day celebrations to be held on the 26th of next month at the invitation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This is the French president’s sixth appearance as a guest of honor.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained, “India and France are strategic partners and are cooperating on regional and international issues,” adding, “This year marks the 25th anniversary of the upgrade of the strategic partnership between the two countries.”

India and France have maintained diplomatic relations for 75 years since establishing diplomatic relations in 1948. In 1998, India and France upgraded their diplomatic relations to a strategic partnership. This is France’s first strategic partnership with a country outside the European Union (EU).

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Prime Minister Modi visited Paris, the capital of France, last July and attended Bastille Day, the anniversary of the revolution.

Last September, President Macron visited India to attend the G20 summit held in New Delhi, the capital of India.

President Macron’s visit as the guest of honor is a decision that follows U.S. President Joe Biden’s earlier announcement that he would not attend the event. As President Biden was unable to serve as the guest of honor, President Macron was selected as a replacement.

Recently, the United States and India had a diplomatic conflict over the assassination of a Sikh separatist who was an American citizen.

Republic Day, India’s national holiday, is celebrated on January 26 every year and commemorates the establishment of the Republic with the enactment of the Indian Constitution in 1950.

◎ Sympathetic media Newsis [email protected]

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