Home » Ayelén Gallo: Breaking Gender Barriers in the Globe of Death

Ayelén Gallo: Breaking Gender Barriers in the Globe of Death

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Ayelén Gallo: Breaking Gender Barriers in the Globe of Death

Ayelén Gallo: The Trailblazing Woman Defying Odds in the Circus

Ayelén Gallo has just come down from performing her routine in the Globe of Death at the Wintercircus Royal Dordrecht in Holland. With her voice still full of adrenaline, she reflects on her performance and confidently declares, “Nothing is impossible.” This sentiment is evident in each of her presentations, where she defies stereotypes and showcases her daring skills.

While not in the spotlight, Gallo is studying medicine at the University of Buenos Aires, currently in her third year. Her journey to becoming a motorcycle stunt rider began at the age of 17 when she joined the Rodas Circus to cover her expenses. Starting as a flyer distributor to promote the circus functions, she gradually built connections with the performers and found her passion for motorcycles and acrobatics.

Gallo’s perseverance led her to fulfill her dream of riding inside the Globe of Death, a risky circus act that has historically been dominated by men. Despite initial skepticism from her colleagues, she dedicated herself to mastering the motorcycle and eventually became a pivotal part of the circus.

Born in Merlo, Argentina, Gallo’s determination and hard work have propelled her to become the first female motorcyclist in the Globe of Death, defying gender norms in the circus industry. She attributes her success to the support and guidance of her colleagues, who trained her and ultimately welcomed her as part of the group.

Reflecting on her first experience inside the Globe of Death, Gallo recalls a mix of nerves, excitement, and tears. While her family initially had reservations about her career choice, they eventually came to understand and support her passion. Now, at 25 years old, she continues to train diligently every day to perfect her skills and awe audiences worldwide.

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Gallo’s determination and fearlessness have earned her recognition as a trailblazer in a male-dominated field. Despite the challenges and sacrifices, she remains committed to her dream of traveling the world and sharing her passion for motorcycle stunts. As she continues to break barriers and inspire others, Gallo’s message is clear: “You have to have courage to make dreams come true,” she says.

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