Home » Government will not debate with Antonio Garcia of the ELN who conditioned stopping the kidnapping – Government – Politics

Government will not debate with Antonio Garcia of the ELN who conditioned stopping the kidnapping – Government – Politics

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Government will not debate with Antonio Garcia of the ELN who conditioned stopping the kidnapping – Government – Politics

The National Government has announced that it will not engage in public discussions with Antonio García, a top commander of the National Liberation Army (ELN), as reported in recent hours. This surprising announcement by García entailed the condition that the suspension of kidnappings would be dependent on establishing financing mechanisms for the guerrilla group’s survival.

Senator Iván Cepeda, a member of the State’s negotiating team in the discussion with the armed group, stated that the National Government does not intend to engage in debates. He highlighted that an agreement had been reached and that it was made public both within the country and to members of the international community. He emphasized that the negotiation should focus on moving forward, not regressing.

García’s statement, suggesting that funding was necessary for the ELN to cease kidnappings, caused a commotion, overshadowing recent announcements made in Mexico. Vera Grabe, the Government’s chief negotiator, had just recently announced the ELN’s suspension of “withholdings for economic purposes” in connection with an extension of the ceasefire.

The news of the suspension of kidnappings by the ELN had elicited general satisfaction, especially due to kidnapping being a crime that causes significant distress in Colombian society. However, this announcement put the matter of financing for the guerrilla group and the peace process in the spotlight.

While political figures voiced opposing viewpoints on discussions with the ELN, it was indicated that an official communication to debate with García would not be issued. Instead, the focus would be on the following meeting, scheduled for mid-January, to reaffirm the previous agreement.

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Despite the enormous noise generated by García’s recent statements, it was speculated that the commander may be speaking to his own troops. Others deemed his statements as in line with his uncompromising figure within the guerrilla group.

Amid the ongoing negotiations with the ELN, political analysts and stakeholders are cautious about the impact of García’s statements. Everyone will have to wait for the official agreement to be reached in January 2024. Ultimately, it is clear that the Government is not prepared to engage in debates with García.

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