Home » Lang Ping resigns as head coach of Chinese women’s volleyball team

Lang Ping resigns as head coach of Chinese women’s volleyball team

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  Director Lang, you have worked hard!

  Lang Ping stepped down as the head coach of the Chinese women’s volleyball team, and everyone is guessing the baton

On September 1, Lang Ping, the head coach of the Chinese women’s volleyball team, announced on his personal social account that he had resigned. She said: “Today is the first day I leave as the head coach of the Chinese women’s volleyball team.” According to a person from the National Sports General Administration’s Row Management Center, Lang Ping’s contract expired on August 31.

Since entering the Chinese women’s volleyball team for the second time in 2013, Lang Ping has created another era of his own in the field of volleyball as a coach. “Do your best, do your best, and have no shame in your heart.” The three words became Lang Ping’s summary of his years of coaching the women’s volleyball team. Regarding where to go after leaving office, she said that her first stop is to go to Suzhou to visit the grave of her mother who died a year ago.

Qilu Evening News·Qilu One Point Reporter Li Chang

  She is the hero of Rio’s aspirations

For the women’s volleyball team to win the championship for the first time, Lang Ping is an important player in the team. The name of “Iron Hammer” became a household name in the 1980s and can be called an icon of the era. After retiring, Lang Ping’s life has always been closely related to the women’s volleyball team, pouring his own energy for the Chinese volleyball career.

From 1995 to 1999, Lang Ping, who was in charge of the Chinese team’s coach for the first time, brought the women’s volleyball team at the bottom of the valley to the runner-up of the Olympic Games and the runner-up of the World Championships, and the glory for a while. Later, she chose to go abroad for further studies, step by step to train herself into an excellent coach in line with international standards, and even led the American women’s volleyball team to defeat the Chinese women’s volleyball team, which was at its peak at the time, in Beijing.

But what she didn’t expect was that since then, the Chinese women’s volleyball team once again fell into the bottom. Ranked tenth in the 2010 World Championships, the 2012 Olympics lost to the Japanese team missed the semi-finals, and the team’s prospects were bleak. At this moment, the mission and sense of responsibility are full of Lang Ping’s heart. She wants to let her beloved team stand up, and she wants to retrieve the dignity of the Chinese women’s volleyball team with her own hands.

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So in 2013, Lang Ping returned to China and was ordered to take over the women’s volleyball coach again. Faced with a reporter’s interview, she said: “At this moment, I feel very honorable.”

The new coach took office to push the New Deal. Lang Ping devoted all his life to the Chinese women’s volleyball team, launched the “big national team” policy, opened up room for selection, and gave more athletes the opportunity to compete. Therefore, the list of players who enter the national team training every year is close to 30.

Powered by competition and relying on the concept of “big national team”, a new generation of athletes such as Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning and Yuan Xinyue gradually entered the public eye. More importantly, Lang Ping reshaped the confidence of the women’s volleyball team and taught them how to use their hands to create the future. The Chinese women’s volleyball team received the “Lang Ping mark” and a new golden generation was born.

Under the leadership of Lang Ping, the Chinese women’s volleyball team began to rise in 2015, and the World Cup won three championships for the first time in 11 years. In the 2016 Rio Olympics, the Chinese women’s volleyball team drove low and high despite the downturn in the group stage, counterattacking all the way to the highest podium, and reaching the top of the Olympic Games for the third time in 12 years, making the Chinese women’s volleyball team China again. The three big balls and even the symbol of Chinese sports.

Someone asked Lang Ping, “What is the spirit of the women’s volleyball team?” She replied: “The spirit of the women’s volleyball team is not about winning the championship, but sometimes you have to do your best if you know that you won’t win. Although you swayed along the way, you stood up and trembled. The dust of the country is still firm in the eyes, and life may not necessarily win, but you must work hard to win.”

  She drank hate for Tokyo

The 2017 Women’s Volleyball Champions League champion, the 2018 Women’s Volleyball World Championship third place, and the 2019 Women’s Volleyball World Cup champion, Lang Ping’s Chinese women’s volleyball team has remained the world‘s first echelon for many years, and its reputation has reached its peak.

Finally came to Tokyo in 2021, the women’s volleyball girl once again stood on the Olympic stage. As the last champion, the whole country has great expectations for the women’s volleyball team from top to bottom. However, reality has ruthlessly shattered dreams. At that moment, the “iron hammer” choked with tears and it was heartbreaking.

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Lost to Turkey in the first game 0:3, defeated the United States in the second game 0:3, and was defeated by the Russian Olympic Committee team in the third round 2:3. The Chinese women’s volleyball team could no longer find the reversal of five years ago and was losing. Left a lonely back in his pain.

With 2 wins and 3 losses, the Chinese women’s volleyball team was out of the group stage and missed the knockout round. After defeating the Argentine women’s volleyball team 3-0, this Olympic journey ended. After the game, the women’s volleyball girls cried into a ball, and Lang Ping hugged the players one by one. Faced with reporters’ questions, she moistened her eyes, “I didn’t expect to be out so early, nor did I expect this accident, and it was an unprecedented mistake.” Lang Ping said: “As the head coach, I have to take the main responsibility.”

It was indeed unexpected that Lang Ping’s “Last Dance” bid farewell in this way. Before the camera, she once again expressed her testimony: “Sorry, I was too tired and should take a break.”

It is true that injuries are the biggest enemy to knock down this Chinese women’s volleyball team, but at the same time Lang Ping’s choice of employment has also been questioned, coupled with the psychological pressure of wanting to win and fear of losing, the team’s state is greatly reduced.

On August 31, the official website of the Chinese Volleyball Association published an article titled “Why the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team defeated Dongying”. The author is 91-year-old Volleyball Dean Zhang Ran, who served as the head coach of Jiangsu Women’s Volleyball Association and vice chairman of the Volleyball Association. In the article, he summarized the reasons for the defeat of Tokyo into five points: the main lineup is aging, the bench is weak, the field command is inappropriate, the psychological pressure is too large, and the training camp has more disadvantages and fewer advantages. Direct the finger at Lang Ping.

However, in the early morning of September 1, the Chinese Volleyball Association explained the article on its official website. On the one hand, it made a disclaimer, and on the other hand, it neutralized Lang Ping’s criticism from a dialectical perspective from a global perspective.

To hate Tokyo is destined to be a regret that Lang Ping’s coaching career is difficult to erase, but only by accepting it can he reach a reconciliation with life with a correct attitude. In the farewell article, she mentioned: “This road is not smooth, but because I love it, all the hardship and suffering are worth it. Success or failure, the ups and downs, are all things that must be experienced in this process. They are all gains. It’s wealth.”

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  Who will take over her pointer

Lang Ping bid farewell, and Li Yingying, a member of the team, immediately forwarded and thanked: “You will always be a good teacher in my life.” Then the Chinese women’s volleyball team also responded on the social platform: “Director Lang, you have worked hard!”

This Chinese women’s volleyball team has a deep “Lang Ping mark”. Even if she hates Tokyo, she is still the best coach in China. Therefore, who can lead the Chinese women’s volleyball team to move forward after leaving office has naturally become the topic of most concern to the public.

The current Chinese women’s volleyball assistant coach An Jiajie is currently the most popular successor. He has rich experience and high personal ability. He has been an assistant coach by Lang Ping since 2014 and is very familiar with the women’s volleyball girls under his leadership. Although the Tokyo defeat made An Jiajie quite questionable, in fact, he had led the women’s platoon in many international competitions before, and his record has been improving all the way. So overall, An Jiajie has the highest probability of succession.

The most popular candidate second only to An Jiajie is Lai Yawen, another deputy in the Lang Ping era. Lai Yawen is the former captain of the Chinese women’s volleyball team. After retiring, she became the assistant coach of the women’s volleyball team. She has always been the confidant sister of the players in this women’s volleyball team. A good candidate.

At the same time, the coach of Jiangsu Women’s Volleyball Team Cai Bin and the coach of Tianjin Women’s Volleyball Team Wang Baoquan are also considered to be likely to take over Lang Ping’s coaches, but their national team resumes are not outstanding. Whether people can quickly enter the role to welcome the Paris Olympics three years later requires comprehensive and in-depth consideration.

Of course, no matter who can take over Lang Ping’s baton, I hope to continue to follow in the footsteps of the women’s volleyball team to practice their ideals. Climb the summit bravely”. Countless times have proved that these 32 words are the eternal truth of the game, and this is also the greatest wealth left by Lang Ping after leaving office.

As she said: “I believe that in the future, all athletes and coaches will work harder for the development of Chinese volleyball. I believe that the spirit of women’s volleyball will be passed on from generation to generation. I hope that Chinese volleyball will remain youthful forever.”


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