Home » Do you sit for many hours a day? Why you should be careful (it’s not just about your back)

Do you sit for many hours a day? Why you should be careful (it’s not just about your back)

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Do you sit for many hours a day?  Why you should be careful (it’s not just about your back)

Sitting for too many hours a day is dangerous for your health, not only your back – biopianeta.it

The contemporary lifestyle imposes sedentary habits on practically everyone. But the risks this entails are very serious, according to a scientist.

The conclusion of a new scientific study that has highlighted the consequences of sitting for too many hours a day can be summarized in this slogan: Tell me how sedentary you are and I’ll tell you how healthy you will be. After all, we already knew that moving is good for you and that a sedentary lifestyle is certainly not a cure-all. But surely many of us have no idea of ​​the potential risks faced by those who sit from morning to evening or almost.

The research in question was conducted by an international team of researchers from University College London and the University of Sydney, and found that sitting for too long during the day is extremely harmful to your health, especially if you always remain in the same position without getting up and doing a little movement every now and then.

Together with other factors that influence cardiovascular problems, the lack of physical activity certainly has a negative impact on the heart, even in the absence of an individual predisposition. Sitting for a long time is also bad for cholesterol, waist circumference, body mass index, and glycated hemoglobin, a protein that may be involved in type 2 diabetes. This means a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death.

But also “only” damage to the neck and shoulders, less resistance of the spine, leg problems, and muscle degeneration that leads to “flabby” abdominals and “soft” buttocks. According to experts, it would be enough to treat yourself to half an hour of brisk walking or light running at least once a day. Better yet would be a “nap” between sessions. When study participants alternated just five minutes of moderate to vigorous activity, there was a tangible positive impact on their heart health. And that goes for “pretty much any activity that raises your heart rate and makes you breathe faster, even for a minute or two,” like walking up the stairs.

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In short, movement, even minimal, saves your life. So get up, move, and take care of your health.

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