Home » concert #19-21: best kept secret festival | 09.06. – June 11, 2023

concert #19-21: best kept secret festival | 09.06. – June 11, 2023

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concert #19-21: best kept secret festival |  09.06.  – June 11, 2023

We went back to the tent stage because that was where the music was playing next “interpol“. When we arrived we found a seething crowd celebrating the indie dream “Interpol”. Admittedly, the band stood rooted to the stage, but the driving songs and the accompanying thunderstorm of lights made up for it all.

And boom, it was time for the headliner again – that evening “Oscar and the Wolf” was on the program and I couldn’t even imagine it. I had seen the artist twice as an opening act and the jump to headliner seemed huge to me. Ugh, how wrong was I…

as „oscar and the wolf“When I entered the stage and performed the first song “Warrior”, I was so amazed: he danced in a disco ball glitter outfit between pink and white flashes of light and the music ran through my whole body. And that’s exactly how it went on throughout the entire set, one song highlight followed the next! But what really impressed me were his dance moves – they were so infectious that I couldn’t stop shaking to the beats. This was without exaggeration one of the best headline shows ever!

11.06.2023 – #21 – julia jacklin, kurt vile, japanese breakfast, nation of language, alvvays, surf curse, the mars volta, aphex twin

The last day started incredibly hot. somehow it got hotter every day. We originally thought that if we stayed further north with our festival selection it wouldn’t be so hot. Well, I thought wrong. Luckily our tent was under protective trees and not in a dusty field like at other festivals.

That day I decided to take a lot more photos and soak in all the impressions. And so I stopped every few meters as we walked to the festival site, because the way there, on a forest path lined with signs, fences and fairy lights, was simply magical. and then we treated ourselves to a pizza and sat by the lake in the shade… it was simply wonderful!

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Our first program item was “Julia jacklin“on the tent stage. I knew her from my automatically created Spotify playlists and was excited to see what she had to offer. and then she stood there on stage, relatively inconspicuous and sometimes I had the feeling that she had songs without choruses but they were still somehow catchy. In any case, their concert was a good start to the last day of the festival!

we went out again, into the strong afternoon sun, because “kurt vile“ could be found on the main stage next to the lake. But it was almost unbearable to be in the sun in front of the stage, so most of the time we were a little further away under a few trees to watch the show. By the way, the shaded areas were very popular. When the hits were played, we sprinted back to the stage and bobbed gently in the light wind to the music.

Afterwards we went back to the tent stage because the hyped band “japanese breakfastplayed a concert there. But after a short time I wanted to leave again – the singer’s voice was too squeaky for me and the gong on the stage also irritated me. I have no idea, I would rather have somewhere quiet to rest from the heat.

we went back to the secret stage because I wanted to “nation of language” see. The band was a guest in Vienna quite often but I somehow never went, so I was happy to finally see them at the best kept secret festival. and what should I say? Somehow the band was an unexpected highlight: a sweet indie boy band that combined indie with 80s aesthetics without wanting too much. and the group’s dance moves were also great to watch. wonderful!

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We stayed at the Secret stage, chilled in the shade and waited for the next group.”always“. Not only we knew that this band was very good, but also numerous other visitors. It quickly became super crowded! But I stayed sitting on the edge because I was somehow very tired and listened to the concert from my position on the floor. When they released all the hits a little later, I jumped up, danced along and immediately fell in love with their songs again!

Our program wasn’t that full on the last day, so we went for a bit of a walk in between and looked at the various art installations. one of them was a bit disturbing and I’m still thinking about what it was all about. I’ll never know, haha.

and at some point we went back to the secret stage and watched “surf curse” at. And their concert was crazy, they made a lot of noise and encouraged their audience to crowd surf – and so somehow a crowd surfer was constantly floating over our heads. And: one or two songs turned out to be a little hit!

Slowly but surely the day was coming to an end again. We wandered over to the tent stage because we wanted a quick look at “the mars volta“catch. The performance was dramatic, with a lot of gestures and a lot of noise. I didn’t want to give it all, but there were already a few songs in there.

Afterwards we sat down by the lake and tried to gather our last strength to finish. and then at some point the time had come: in the sunset the music of “aphex twin” from the speakers. Very crazy visuals appeared to us and we tried to get involved in this unconventional type of electronic music. We didn’t even see the main protagonists, the ones who made the music, they were so small on the huge main stage. but that didn’t matter. A little later I wandered further back to the seating, while my partner danced around a bit further up front.

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Admittedly, it would certainly have been great if you had consumed something that changed your consciousness, for example alcohol. But I was sober and so my tiredness became more apparent to me. but that wasn’t bad. I enjoyed everything from the very back and met my partner again a little later.

Before we left the festival grounds, we wanted to visit the gastro forest again. It was a real highlight, especially at night, because it was full of fairy lights. We looked for some final snacks – I decided on fantastic pancakes and my partner thought tarte flambée was appealing and then we went back to the campsite – on the way there we were treated to music from the XX and honestly, it couldn’t have been more perfect!

I like it:

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