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Elon Musk’s Lifestyle Raises Concern at Tesla and SpaceX

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Elon Musk’s Lifestyle Raises Concern at Tesla and SpaceX

Concern at Tesla about Musk’s lifestyle

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has attracted attention not only for his technological innovations and business visions, but also for his erratic behaviors that could be influenced by recurring drug use, putting at risk not only his health but also the future of his companies and billions in assets, according to reports from executives and board members.

Sources close to the magnate told The Wall Street Journal that Musk, 52, would have used drugs such as LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, psychedelic mushrooms, and ketamine, often at private parties where attendees sign confidentiality agreements or give up their phones to enter. The reports cite individuals who have witnessed his drug use but do not identify them by name and surname.

His alleged consumption, especially of ketamine, has caused concern about the possible consequences on his well-being and on the businesses he runs, including Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company, Neuralink, and a new artificial intelligence company.

According to Musk’s lawyer, the executive regularly undergoes drug tests at SpaceX and has never returned a positive result. However, some past incidents, such as his appearance smoking marijuana on the Joe Rogan show and mentions of SpaceX in vulgar language, have intensified doubts about his sobriety at key moments.

Musk has openly spoken about his mental health, admitting to his lack of sleep and constant work, but has denied illegal drug use and attributed certain attitudes to undiagnosed mental health challenges.

Musk’s behavior has caused diverse reactions within the boards of directors of his companies, with some members expressing frustration with his volatile attitude and allusions to drug use. Concerns have also been raised about the correlation between his unusual behavior and possible drug use, which has been a sensitive topic for the directors, some of whom are close friends and have attended events where drugs were consumed.

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In most companies, board members are not required to investigate an executive for drug use, but they often take action if they believe it is hurting the business. The debate over directors’ willingness to intervene in the personal lives of executives remains a sensitive topic in the corporate arena.

For now, companies under Musk’s management have maintained a positive trend, with notable growth in Tesla’s stock value and increased revenue at SpaceX, leading some investors to overlook these concerns. However, federal policies and contracts could be compromised if Musk’s use of illegal drugs is confirmed, jeopardizing investments and the US space program.

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