Home » Instead of mackerel and anchovies you could eat these foods to lower bad cholesterol

Instead of mackerel and anchovies you could eat these foods to lower bad cholesterol

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To follow a diet that aims to rebalance the critical values ​​of the blood it is important to prefer some foods instead of others. We have often talked about how harmful junk food can be and the numerous consequences it determines on the body according to science. Who does not have a particular predilection for fish and does not like to include more portions in weekly meals, what can he do? There are also other foods that are allies of well-being and can offer valuable help. Instead of mackerel and anchovies you could eat these foods to lower bad cholesterol.

What are the food alternatives?

The effects that Omega-3s can have on the body are now quite well known. Although blue fish can be said to be a privileged source of these nutrients, alternatives can also be found for a vegetarian or vegan diet. An example could be the Omega-3 mine present in these seeds to prevent cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. However, Omega-3s aren’t the only substances that help keep LDL cholesterol levels low and balance them with good HDL cholesterol. According to some studies, in fact, another food source that offers a valid help in the care of personal well-being is dietary fiber.

Instead of mackerel and anchovies you could eat these foods to lower bad cholesterol

There are several ways to act on cholesterol, among which of course there is no shortage of pharmacological ones that involve the use of statins. Although the effectiveness of such drugs is real evidence, it is also known that they could cause side effects. Or, there may be poor adherence to treatment by those taking them. A further and important help in lowering cholesterol also comes from nutrition. That is why experts often suggest following a healthy diet and abandoning a sedentary lifestyle.

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In this context of well-being, several scientific studies confirm the effectiveness of fibers to keep bad cholesterol levels under control. The fibers, thanks to their composition, reduce the absorption of dietary and endogenous cholesterol produced by bile acids. This effect produces beneficial effects in those who consume an adequate daily amount of these nutrients. Fiber is generally found in plant-based foods such as unrefined grains, fruits, vegetables and seeds.

These important health allies can help you live longer by staying fit in many ways. In fact, they do not only serve to lower cholesterol. We have provided an example of a cereal, with extraordinary properties, which fights cholesterol, diabetes and cleans the arteries quickly. By paying attention to these small details, you can choose the meal plan that best suits your needs with the help of a doctor or specialist.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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