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What happens to the body when you consume few vegetables

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What happens to the body when you consume few vegetables

The Importance of Eating Your Veggies: Signals Your Body Sends You When You’re Not Consuming Enough

The scientific community has long advocated for the consumption of at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day for overall health and well-being. The right dose of fiber, vitamins, and mineral salts is essential for the body, and not getting enough can lead to a range of health issues.

It’s not just a matter of staying healthy – our bodies actually send us signals when we’re not consuming enough of these essential items. For instance, a lack of vitamin C from red and orange vegetables can lead to a weakening of the immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight off seasonal illnesses.

Chronic fatigue can also set in when we don’t get enough B vitamins and folic acid from green leafy vegetables, lentils, asparagus, and beans. A lack of these nutrients can lead to feelings of tiredness and low energy.

In terms of mental well-being, a shortage of lutein from carrots, spinach, and other vegetables can result in poor concentration and confusion. Lutein is important for memory efficiency and acts as an antioxidant to protect vision.

Digestive issues can also arise from not consuming enough vegetables, as the fibers and high water content in veggies are essential for maintaining regularity in the intestines. Without enough vegetables, constipation and other digestive problems can occur.

Surprisingly, gaining weight can also be linked to a lack of vegetables in the diet. If you find yourself gaining weight without changing your diet significantly, it’s worth considering whether you’re getting enough vegetables and if your diet may be unbalanced towards carbohydrates and fats.

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These signals from the body show the importance of maintaining a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables. It’s not just about meeting a quota – it’s about listening to what our bodies are telling us and taking the steps to ensure we’re getting the nutrients we need for optimal health.

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