Home » Sardinia, FdI: either Truzzu or divided. All the center-right presidents fail

Sardinia, FdI: either Truzzu or divided. All the center-right presidents fail

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Sardinia, FdI: either Truzzu or divided.  All the center-right presidents fail

Paolo Truzzu and Christian Solinas

Summit (not conclusive) with Chigi Meloni-Salvini-Tajani

Either the League agrees to support Paolo Truzzu or we go to the vote divided. Point“. We have reached the ultimatum of the Brothers of Italy, as explained by sources at the highest levels of the Prime Minister’s party, on the regional elections of 25 February. Until yesterday the Northern League continued to support Christian Solinasoutgoing president of the Sardinian Action Party which has had a close understanding with Matteo Salvini’s League for years.

The line explained several times by Andrea Crippa and by the same deputy prime minister and minister of transport and infrastructure to respect the rule of re-nominating the incumbents was sent back to the sender by the Brothers of Italy: firstly because the League in 2022 blew up Nello Musumeci in Sicily and secondly because the balance of power has clearly changed and as Meloni’s undersecretary at Palazzo Chigi Giovanbattista Fazzolari explained, the current numbers must be taken into account.

And so we are, in fact, at the break. The lists must be presented next week and either the League ditches Solinas, who in any case would only present himself with the Sardinian Action Party, or they go to the vote divided. There is no space for other mediations. In the morning there was a summit at Palazzo Chigi between Prime Minister Meloni and the two Deputy Prime Ministers Salvini and Tajani, but at the moment there seems to have been no white smoke. The positions remain crystallized. Not only that, the League has also presented a bill in Parliament for the third mandate of the Governors, obviously to allow Luca Zaia to run again in 2025.

Matteo Salvini brought together the parliamentarians, relaunching the theme of Europe: “We are determined to support the united center-right in Europe too, without the socialists. It means that on some issues such as the total elimination of traditional engines, immigration or synthetic food there would be a compact and alternative majority. We have a very clear idea of ​​Europe”, awaiting the federal council on Monday in Milan called to discuss the next electoral appointments.

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And no news emerged on the centre-right candidates in the next regional elections during the meeting of the League parliamentarians with Salvini. According to a participant in the meeting that took place this morning in the Montecitorio group room, “there can’t be any news because there was no leaders’ table” on the issue that is dividing the majority. “Salvini reiterated that we are for the confirmation of the outgoing ones” convinced that a solution will be found quickly, especially in view of the most imminent event, the regional elections in Sardinia.

At this point, after all the statements made in support of Solinas, the League cannot lose face and take a step back. And, barring miracles, the Centre-right divided, thus doing a favor to Alessandra Todde, candidate in Sardinia of M5S and Pd, even if with the competition (unless second thoughts) of the former Demm Renato Soru, former Governor. But the domino effect of the rupture on Sardinia will have devastating effects on all the other regions that go to vote this year and next. There Lega he will have his hands free and will claim Basilicata, now in the hands of Forza Italia with Vito Bardi, and will also question Alberto Cirio in Piedmont, also an Italian player. And even Marco Marsilio in Abruzzo, Brothers of Italy.

The consequence will be the retaliation of the Brothers of Italy on Umbria, where the former Northern League senator governs Donatella Tesei, awaiting the great battle of 2025 for Veneto. The League absolutely wants the law that allows the third mandate to re-present Zaia, but FdI already has its candidate ready, the regional coordinator and senator Luca De Carlo. An earthquake that will lead to a worsening of the electoral campaign for the European elections, where it is all against all with proportional representation, and which cannot fail to have consequences on the government. Lega and FdI are quick to deny a crisis in the executive, but tension will be very high on all open dossiers – from immigration to economic ones to Justice – and incidents in Parliament will be around the corner. A domino effect that could lead to the implosion of the Meloni government.

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