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Public libraries offer writing courses for seniors

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Public libraries offer writing courses for seniors

Classes in Plano Piloto and Ceilândia will have a dissertation-argumentative text as their theme and will focus on the UnB entrance exam

The National Library of Brasília (BNB) and the Public Library of Ceilândia will host, from January 17th to 19th, writing classes aimed at seniors who want to take the entrance exam for the University of Brasília (UnB). Last year, the initiative also helped young candidates for Enem, PAS and the UnB entrance exam. Registration is free and can be done via BNB’s Instagram.

Through the 60mais program and the Healthy Aging Policy, UnB offers 136 places in 37 undergraduate courses for people over 60 years of age. The test is scheduled for January 28th.

“I graduated from UnB, and this initiative fills me with pride. Our support for the elderly public could not be lacking. This is an inclusive action of the greatest merit”, highlights the director of BNB, Marmenha Rosário.

In Ceilândia, classes will be January 17th and 18th, from 7pm to 10pm; and at BNB, seniors will be able to learn more on January 19th, from 2:30 pm to 5 pm. “We are going to teach a class more focused on writing along the lines of the UnB entrance exam”, explains professor Paula Monteiro. She will work on the dissertation-argumentative text. “The newsroom needs to have cohesion, coherence and good strategic planning. Knowing how to organize the students’ ideas will be the main objective of the class. Students will learn to organize themselves before writing”, she adds.

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Teacher and resource person Kássia Braga, who will teach classes at the Ceilândia Public Library, is a specialist in Portuguese, working in preparatory courses for competitions.


The agent for Mala do Livro, the GDF’s extension program for lending works of literature and textbooks in the administrative and surrounding regions, Marluce da Silva Franklin, 60 years old, lives in Sobradinho II and will try to get a place on the library science course. “Studying librarianship at UnB was always a dream, but I didn’t have time to study because I had to look for food, pass on values ​​and educate my children”, says Marluce. A victim of domestic violence, she managed to separate from her husband and was left with the couple’s six children, illustrating the DF’s sad emphasis on attacks on women.


With her children now raised, Marluce is now fighting cancer, which she believes she will also defeat: “You don’t know how much good the news about this entrance exam did for me. It made me excited. I am very grateful to UnB and BNB, which will provide us with the writing course.”

Born in Rio de Janeiro and based in Brasília, Marluce began participating in Mala do Livro in 1993, three years after the appearance of the program that went around the world with its simple and transformative idea.

“I’m 60 years old, I’m full of grandchildren, and my dreams haven’t died, they’re still here, in my heart. I’m radiating joy,” she declares. This joy also stems from her having launched the book at the 2023 Brasília Book Fair Breno, a very dreamy boy. The work tells the story of a child who found inspiration in his imagination to overcome the reality of vulnerability. A group of friends got together to print 100 copies, including sales and an autograph session.

With information from the Brasília agency

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