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Contradictory trend

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Contradictory trend

Jose Romero Churio

The genesis of humanity, also known as Homo sapiens for its dominant and enigmatic intelligence, has not yet been elucidated; However, there are sufficient findings by paleontological scientists that the human species emerged a long time ago (at least 200,000 years ago), preceded by a progressive process estimated between 3 and 4 million years of the Gregorian calendar, currently recognized by almost all countries of planet earth.

Reading this column will surely generate some resentment in people, whose paranoid egos do not allow them to accept any genetic relationship with the families of hominoid primates, which include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, marimondas and other similar apes, due to the roots of such paranoia fantasize the arrogance of divine superiority.

The biblical narrative divides the existence of humanity into, before and after Christ. After the birth of Jesus Christ, humanity has reached the year 2024, of which 442 years correspond to the Gregorian calendar, implemented in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII, to correct the inaccuracy of the Julian calendar, created by the emperor of the Roman Empire, Julius. Caesar, in the year 46 BC. c.

There is no doubt that humanity has established many calendars to account for the passage of time. If we take as a reference the age of the patriarchs and messiahs mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible, there is no doubt that such calendars had many fewer days. For example, Noah, the one chosen by God to refound the world, then the most just in the midst of moral degradation and present violence, was at least 500 years old, since it is not known how long the construction of the enormous ark lasted, in which, Noah would be saved from the universal flood with his entire family and a couple of each animal species.

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After the flood ended, Noah lived another 350 years, dying at the age of 950. Methuselah, Noah’s grandfather, lived 965 years, and Adam, the first man of humanity, died at 930 years old. Moses, the one who freed the Jewish population from the slavery of the Egyptian pharaohs, died at the age of 120; It is good to note that this messiah lived between the 14th and 13th centuries BC. C., many years after the extermination of the universal flood. He was the one who wrote the story of the tower of Babel that Noah and his family did not finish building in the city of Babylon, today the territory of Iraq, near Baghdad, his capital; For their lack of obedience, God punishes them by making them speak in different ways, so that they would not understand each other, which is why they were dispersed throughout the world, each one with his own language and, therefore, in the world there are many languages.

In the legendary Greece of the 8th century BC. C., after the Trojan War recounted by Homer in his epic book ‘The Iliad’, the first philosophers began to be born, who undertook reflective knowledge, not only about the origin of Homo sapiens, their behavior and social interaction, especially I connect it with freedom, rights, duties, principles and human values, but everything related to sidereal space.

After Christ, the development of humanity has been extraordinary, always with the idealism of better well-being. Unfortunately, in humanity there are always good and bad people and the latter cause multiple adversities with their selfishness, envy, lies, recklessness, revenge and negligence, mainly with their lies, with which they deceive many people for a long time despite the old popular adage, which says: “Between heaven and earth there is nothing hidden.” In addition, there are other popular sayings that bad people very often manage to counteract, among which I only transcribe two: “In the eyes of God there is nothing hidden”; “What you do hidden from men, you do in the presence of God.”

In short, most of the promises that many of the leaders and authorities of the different communities proclaim daily are pure fallacies. However, good people do not give in to the contradictory tendency of such sophists.

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