Home » Corviale, Pantano, Anzio: the Diocese raises its voice: “No more armed Rome”

Corviale, Pantano, Anzio: the Diocese raises its voice: “No more armed Rome”

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Corviale, Pantano, Anzio: the Diocese raises its voice: “No more armed Rome”

The Diocese of Rome speaks and it is as if the Pope were speaking: “Too much violence, too many victims”, a “firm assumption of responsibility” is needed. The Diocese of Rome intervenes after the recent news events that occurred in the capital.

“Corviale, Pantano, Anzio… The scenario is increasingly disturbing in and around Rome. Too much violence, too many victims, often very young. Very often in our city disputes are resolved with weapons in hand. The news events of recent days require a decisive assumption of responsibility and effective collaboration between the various educational agencies”, underlines the Diocese in a note.

“What happened is very serious”

“What happened – he observes – is very serious and we cannot give up in the face of such ferocity; we cannot remain silent and ignore such misdeeds.” Hence the appeal: “The institutions responsible for the safety of neighborhoods and social policies, as well as civil society in its many components and our Christian communities themselves are invited to serious discernment and careful attention to taking charge of the many inconveniences our city suffers from. In recent years, the Church of Rome has done its utmost to combat inequalities, with the commitment made by Caritas, the parishes and many associations scattered throughout the area. But this is certainly not enough!”.

“No to violence”

“Life is a gift from God and it is time that our good intentions, already expressed in the past in similar circumstances, became concrete expressions of the culture of life. We decisively say “no” to violence”, underlines the Diocese.

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