Home » Currambero Town!… I order from NOW… the Carnival is on

Currambero Town!… I order from NOW… the Carnival is on

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Currambero Town!… I order from NOW… the Carnival is on

Everything is ready to officially begin the most emblematic festival of the Colombian Caribbean, “El Carnaval de Barranquilla” with the traditional reading of the 2024 bando, “I am Caribbean, I am Carnival, Traditional Heritage”, which will take place this Saturday, January 20, at 8:00 at night, in the Plaza de la Paz; It should be noted that the reading of the bando is the most anticipated moment, where the carnival queen reads out loud the royal decrees and informs about the events and scheduled activities and orders all the workers and visitors: enjoy and dance at the beginning. to end the most joyful, colorful and expressive festival in Colombia.

As part of the event, the Queen, Melissa Cure, will receive the keys to the city from Mayor Alejandro Char, who in turn will hand over the baton to King Momo, Juventino Ojito, and the Kings of the Children’s Carnival, Samia. Maloof and Emanuel Angulo, who credits them as the ambassadors of tradition during the Fiesta days.

This night will be very special because on the 20th anniversary of the Declaration of the Barranquilla Carnival as Intangible Heritage of Humanity, a performance entitled “I am Caribbean, I am Carnival” will be performed; where around 600 dancers will show through dance the development of Barranquilla and the cultural contributions of the Caribbean and the riverside towns that have nourished the carnival with their diverse expressions; an original idea of ​​the renowned choreographers Pedro Díaz and Ricardo Sierra.

And as in any party that is respected, artists and live music cannot be missing, this is how our partner Gussi, the vallenato singer Rafa Pérez and the urban artists Criss & Ronny, will be the musical delight for the hundreds of attendees with a live broadcast on Telecaribe, an event that can be attended through Tuboleta, or enter the general area with free access.

SAYCO from Ya! invites you to live intensely this wonderful Caribbean festival that seeks to keep our cultural identity alive.

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