Home » Vallenato king ‘El Pollito’ Herrera after his arrival in Valledupar

Vallenato king ‘El Pollito’ Herrera after his arrival in Valledupar

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Vallenato king ‘El Pollito’ Herrera after his arrival in Valledupar

The afternoon of this Saturday, January 20 The Vallenato king of 1996, Juan David ‘El Pollito’ Herrera, arrived in the city of Valledupar after serving a twelve-year prison sentence. for the crime of abusive sexual intercourse with a minor under 14 years of age.

Read also: ‘El Pollito’ Herrera, free after serving 12 years in prison and announces return to the Vallenato Festival

The accordion player was received by a crowd at the Alfonso López Pumarejo airport in the capital of Cesar, where he thanked God for his freedom and appreciated the demonstrations of affection from his family, friends and the Vallenato public.

I am very happy with this recognition, it is an opportune day, desired and expected because the glory of God is great. I am happy to be able to return to my land Valledupar because God is great and powerful and in his time he does the work.”said the musician.

‘El Pollito’ Herrera, who converted to Christianity while in the High Security prison of Cómbita, Boyacá, reflected on the twelve years he was in prison and claimed to be a new and strengthened man.

After 12 years of captivity in a process that God put me through, but here I am again because God’s timing is perfect, I am strengthened and blessed and I am a new being in Christ Jesus.”he added.

The musician, in dialogue with EL PILÓN, announced that he will return to the Plaza Alfonso López de Valledupar to perform again at the Vallenata Legend Festival.


Juan David ‘El Pollito’ Herrera was held in the High Security prison of Cómbita, Boyacá, where He paid part of his sentence after he was transferred in 2017 from the Valledupar Judicial Prison.

The musician was arrested in April 2012 for the crime of abusive sexual intercourse with a minor under 14 years of age, just before performing at the Vallenata Legend Festival.

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Sentenced in 2014 to 15 years and five months in prison, ‘El Pollito’ always maintained his innocence, claiming not to know the true age of the minor. His defense focused on stating that he believed the girl was 16 years old, but investigations and the mother’s complaint led to her conviction.

By: Lucía Mendoza/ EL Pilón.

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