Home » Roasted flank steak in mustard – Panelaterapia

Roasted flank steak in mustard – Panelaterapia

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Roasted flank steak in mustard – Panelaterapia

Everyone loves roast flank steak, after all it is tender meat and very, very tasty. So if you think you need a barbecue to eat a good flank steak, I’ll show you that we can work it out in the oven.

What is Diaper?

The skirt steak is a cut of beef that is part of the ox’s abdominal region, it is also known as flank steak or needlepoint and its main characteristic is that it is a juicy and tasty cut.

Often used for grilling, barbecues and roasts, it is a meat with long fibers and moderate marbling, which helps with tenderness and flavor.

My Recipe

Think of an easy recipe to make, but know that if you can’t find flank steak, you can use baby breast which is also delicious! And finally, these golden potatoes, which are the result of an AWESOME trick that I’m going to teach you in this post too, come along:

Way of doing

I started by lining the pan with aluminum foil and baking paper on top. The aluminum will hold the fat and your pan will be clean and the baking paper will prevent the meat from sticking. But, if you don’t mind later having to remove that “smudge” that sticks to the mold, you can do it directly there.

Then I sprinkled salt and freshly ground pepper on both sides of the piece of meat.
I made a mixture with 2 tablespoons of softened butter, 2 tablespoons of mustard (which could be regular or Dijon) and 1 tablespoon of crushed garlic.

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I spread this mixture over the meat (on both sides) and roasted it in a preheated oven at 220º for about 1 hour (the meat I used was about 1kg, if it was a larger piece it might need to stay longer).

Every 15 minutes, I opened the oven and spread the butter and mustard mixture over the meat, which melted and remained at the bottom of the pan.

While the meat was roasting, I cooked some unpeeled potatoes cut into slices in boiling salted water. When the meat was done, I took it out of the oven, let it rest for 10 minutes and sliced ​​it (if you slice it as soon as you take it out of the oven it releases a lot of liquid).

Tip to make your Roasted Diaper unforgettable

I “rubbed” the potatoes in the “sludge” of the meat that remained in the pan to get flavor and color, they become super golden as if they had been in the oven. You can use this tip with potatoes or other vegetables whenever you make a roast, be it meat, chicken, fish… Isn’t that AWESOME?

Spectacular recipe!!! It will be repeated many times, oh, I already said it but it’s worth reinforcing: you can do it with breasts too!!!

If you have any questions, I recorded a video showing the step-by-step process so that you can do it too, so let’s see?

This recipe is wonderful and I recommend you get people who really like meat to enjoy it, if you make it, don’t forget to post and tag me on social media and write to me here in the comments if you have any questions or suggestions

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