Home » The Council of Spanish Residents in Buenos Aires announced when in-person care will begin in 2024

The Council of Spanish Residents in Buenos Aires announced when in-person care will begin in 2024

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The Council of Spanish Residents in Buenos Aires announced when in-person care will begin in 2024

He Council of Spanish Residents in Buenos Aires (CRE) announced when face-to-face care will begin citizenship in 2024 through its official X social network account, ex Twitterwhose main task is to be the means of communication between the communities that are established abroad and the Consulate General.

The advisory body of the European nation is located in street Guido to 1770 of the Federal Capital. Currently, it is made up of fifteen advisors and represents a group of 300 thousand people. It is made up of seven members who are elected by citizens who are part of the Electoral Census of Absent Residents by universal suffrage.

“We inform that attention to citizenship offered every Wednesday of the year by Council of Spanish Residents in Buenos Aires It will resume during the month of February 1/2”, they communicated through the user of the digital platform @crebuenosaires.

Tweet from the official account of the Council of Spanish Residents in Buenos Aires

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The president of Council of Spanish Residents in Buenos AiresSusana Carbia Espiño, pointed out that “today an important part of the citizenship is trying to return and we have to assist, accompany and see how we can advise people who want to settle in Spain”.

The community of Argentines It is the sixth largest number of foreigners in Spain, surpassed by those of Morocco, Colombia, Romania, Venezuela and Ecuador. According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), in the first half of 2023, a record of 29,500 fellow citizens entered the territory of the European country.

“Among those who arrive in Madrid, the ‘young professionals’ who bring savings, but not much, dominate,” observed the member of the Argentine Hispanic Cultural Association (ACHA), Valeria Massats.

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For her part, one of the representatives of the Argentinas organization in Madrid, Mariana Moreau, warned that “during the pandemic many processed citizenship and idealized that this process is a passport to success; but here it is not easy; There are many who return after two years.”

The impact of the Grandchildren Law in its first year of validity

In the first year of validity of the Grandchildren Lawwhich spanned from October 2022 to October 2023, a total of 182,400 people submitted applications to obtain Spanish citizenship.

51% (91,996) have already received approval, while two-thirds were duly registered at the consulates of birth and residence, according to reports from the diplomatic information office.

What are the main functions of the Spanish Residents Council?

Debate and propose to the Consulate General measures related to its consular function that contribute to improving it within the district. Advise and inform the Consulate General on matters that affect the Spanish community. Disseminate among the Spanish community the measures adopted by public administrations. on those issues that affect the Spaniards residing in the constituency Cooperate with the Consulate General or with other Spanish or local institutions to give greater institutional character to those activities that are carried out for the benefit of the Spaniards Collaborate with the Consulate General in the electoral processes of the Council of Spanish Residents Participate, in the manner established by regulation, in the procedure for granting aid and subsidies established in favor of Spaniards abroad.

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