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Growing an avocado plant from a seed | > – Guide – Garden

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Growing an avocado plant from a seed |  > – Guide – Garden

As of: January 19, 2024 9:16 a.m

With a little patience, a delicate plant will grow from an avocado pit. There are two different methods to get the core to root.

Avocado is considered a healthy superfood. However, industrial cultivation is criticized because it leads to environmental pollution and water shortages in the growing countries. The idea is to simply grow the plant, which originally comes from Central America and the Caribbean, yourself. However, this requires patience: it can take at least ten years for avocados to bear fruit. The plant is definitely decorative.

There are two methods to stimulate rooting of the avocado pit. For both variants, the core must first be cleaned thoroughly so that no pulp remains. Large Mexican varieties such as “Hass” are recommended.

Plant the avocado pit directly into the soil

The easiest way is to fill a pot with a mixture of sand and potting soil and press the wide side of the core into the substrate. About a third to half should still be visible. Then water the core regularly and keep the soil moist. The location should be warm and bright, but not permanently exposed to direct sunlight. After a few weeks, a young shoot breaks through the avocado pit.

Alternative: Hang the avocado core in a glass of water to germinate

One method is to let the avocado pit sprout in a glass of water.

Another method is to soak the avocado pit in water. To do this, lightly score the shell lengthwise so that it is a little easier for the seedling. Stick four toothpicks into the side of the core so that it can be hung with the tip upwards in a glass filled with water. The core should touch the water, but not hang too deep. A warm and bright location is also ideal for this method. It takes around four to eight weeks for roots and shoots to appear. Don’t forget to change the water regularly.

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When the avocado plant has four to six leaves, it can be transplanted into a pot about 25 centimeters in diameter. To do this, simply break off the toothpicks. A maximum of half of the core should be buried in the ground.

The right amount of fertilizer for avocados

In the first few months, the young avocado plants do not need any fertilizer; they find sufficient nutrients in both the core and the substrate. After about six months, the young plants should be supplied with low-dose liquid fertilizer in the irrigation water every two to three weeks. Older avocados tolerate the normal dose stated on the fertilizer package during the growth phase. However, it is sufficient to only fertilize about every four to six weeks.

Prune avocado for vigorous growth

In order for the avocado to grow strong and bushy, it must be cut back. When the shoot is about 15 centimeters long, it is cut by about half. In any case, there must be around three to four eyes left standing. If the plant is well rooted, it can later be cut again to a length of 30 centimeters so that it branches further.

The right location

The avocado should gradually be accustomed to more sun until it can easily tolerate a full sun location. In the summer it can then be left outside. However, the plant cannot tolerate temperatures below five degrees. In winter, a bright room with around 20 degrees is ideal. The plant should be watered regularly and the soil kept moist.

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Answers to the most important questions about growing avocados

It can take at least ten years for avocados to form flowers and bear fruit. In order for pollination to work, you should grow at least two plants. If these are in the house, you can transfer the pollen from the flowers of one plant to the other with a brush.

Avocados are not hardy. But in summer they can go outside. As soon as the temperatures drop below five degrees, they have to be brought indoors like other sensitive potted plants.

After about six months, young plants should be supplied with low-dose liquid fertilizer in the irrigation water every two to three weeks. Avocados need a sunny location. The soil should always be kept moist.

Further information

Avocados are very healthy: they taste great in salads, as smoothies and even as dessert. Ideas for recipes with avocado. more

A tree can be grown from the cut stem of a pineapple in just a few steps. This is how it works. more

It is exotic and rarely available in stores: the papaya. If you like, you can grow the plant yourself in a pot. more

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