Home » Naples, launch of the permanent multi-node quantum communication network

Naples, launch of the permanent multi-node quantum communication network

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Naples, launch of the permanent multi-node quantum communication network

The project, coordinated by the Meditech Competence Center, brings together institutional, academic and industrial partners. Three nodes involved: CNR-INO Pozzuoli, Federico II University Campus of San Giovanni a Teduccio – Meditech, Leonardo Labs – Leonardo

The first permanent national multi-node metropolitan quantum communication network was inaugurated yesterday.

A technological success that bears the signature of institutions, the academic world and entrepreneurial realities all made in Italy. The network will connect the node of the Italian Quantum Backbone (IQB) at the CNR Area of ​​Pozzuoli with the Federico II University Campus of San Giovanni a Teducciopresent at the Meditech Competence Center, and Leonardo’s laboratories in Pomigliano – Aerotech Campus (NA).

The initiative, supported and coordinated by the Ministry for Business and Made in Italy (MIMIT) through the Meditech 4.0 Competence Center, active in Campania and Puglia, saw the participation of University of Naples Federico II, National Research Center CNR-INO, National Institute of Metrological Research INRiMbeyond Leonardo, QTI – Quantum Telecommunication Italy, TIM, Telsy, ThinkQuantum, Cisco ed Exprivia.

The quantum communication network allows the experimentation of new protocols to be used in telecommunications and in the transmission of sensitive data, thus guaranteeing an intrinsically inviolable exchange of information; this happens thanks to the principles of Quantum Mechanics, thus prefiguring a new paradigm in data security and significant changes in many sectors in which encryption and more generally security is fundamental. Telemedicine, government communications. the remote management and remote control of critical infrastructures, autonomous driving, the remote control of production processes, are just some examples in which the potential offered by this new paradigm can make the difference.

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Lto the multi-nodal network of Naples was born with the aim of being a point of reference for companies and research institutes (national and international) projected towards the future and ready to experiment with industrial solutions. These solutions will have to be oriented towards the development of new combinations of quantum technologies with transmission systems, cybersecurity and advanced quantum devices. The inviolability of the network guarantees maximum security in the transmission of sensitive data, as well as greater efficiency of the communication process and data transmission.

The project, which takes advantage of the consolidated experience of the numerous partners involved, is one of the priorities that the Meditech 4.0 Competence Center has set itself for the development of cutting-edge tools at the service of local businesses.

The inauguration is also an opportunity to consolidate the collaborative relationships with Canada, initiated within the Houses of Emerging Technologies (CTE) program, where there is an important experimentation ecosystem aiming to pursue intercontinental development prospects for the Neapolitan experience .

The new quantum communication infrastructurea represents the evolution of a path that began with the MUR PON Project called QUANCOM, continued with the European QUID Project (Quantum Italy Deployment) and the Italian creation of the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI), recently also supported by the programs of the Houses of Emerging Technologies promoted by MIMIT, which has identified quantum technologies as one of the emerging technological levers for creating technology transfer centers towards small and medium-sized enterprises.

The connection with the IQB – Italian Quantum Backbone, using commercial optical fibres, also guarantees the possibility of connecting with the space segment of the EuroQCI infrastructure, where quantum communications can play a very significant role.

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Campania is one of the “first mover” regions in the broad spectrum of Quantum Technology and boasts important projects already underway. Among these: the first Italian Quantum Computing Academy in collaboration with Accenture, Quantum Net and Leonardo, a master’s degree course in Quantum Science and Engineering, a joint PhD in Quantum Technologies with CNR and the University of Camerino. Investments that will continue in the coming years, as evidenced by the programming of the PR Campania FESR 21-27 of the Campania Region, with resources equal to 100 million euros for the creation of the Quantum Valley Regione Campania.

Fertile ground, which also finds support in the commitment of local institutions, with the Municipality of Naples leading the CTE Infiniti Mondi – Napoli Innovation City project, which boasts among its laboratories also the one dedicated to Quantum Computing and 5G in continuity with other experiments started in the context of CTE.

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