Home » KPPS is the 2024 Election TPS Officer, These are His Duties and Obligations

KPPS is the 2024 Election TPS Officer, These are His Duties and Obligations

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KPPS is the 2024 Election TPS Officer, These are His Duties and Obligations


KPPS is a group of voting organizers which is one of the ad hoc bodies for the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). The task of KPPS is to regulate the voting process at polling places (TPS).

Based on PKPU regulation Number 8 of 2022 Article 27, the KPU sets the KPPS working period for 1 month. However, if there is a re-vote or follow-up and follow-up elections, the term of office will be increased by 1 more month. This means that they will be officially disbanded no later than 2 months after the election.

During its work, KPPS has duties and obligations when voting and counting of votes takes place. The following is a summary of detikSumbagsel regarding KPPS’s duties and obligations.



KPPS member

In PKPU regulation Number 8 of 2022 Articles 28 and 29, there are 7 KPPS members who come from the community around the TPS. The selection of KPPS members is carried out in accordance with statutory provisions. The composition of KPPS members is as follows:

1. Chairman of KPPS Concurrently Member: 1 person

2. KPPS members: 6 people

KPPS tasks

In organizing the 2024 Election, the duties of the KPPS are listed in PKPU Number 8 of 2022 Article 30. All KPPS members are required to carry out the following duties:

1. Announce the list of permanent voters at the TPS.

2. Submit the permanent voter list to the Election participant witnesses who are present and the TPS Supervisor and in the event that the Election participant does not have witnesses, the permanent voter list is handed over to the Election participant.

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3. Carrying out voting and counting votes at the TPS.

4. Prepare official reports and certificates of voting and vote counting results and must submit them to election participant witnesses, TPS supervisors, PPS and PPK via PPS.

5. Carry out other tasks assigned by the KPU, Provincial KPU, Regency/City KPU, PPK, and PPS in accordance with statutory regulations.

6. Submit a notification letter to voters according to the permanent voter list to exercise their voting rights at the TPS.

7. Carry out other duties in accordance with statutory provisions.

8. Submit an undistributed voting notification letter to PPS.

9. Provide services to voters with special needs.

KPPS Authority

There are 3 authorities carried out by KPPS as the organizer of the 2024 Election, including:

1. Announce the vote counting results at the TPS.

2. Carry out other authorities granted by the KPU, Provincial KPU, Regency/City KPU, PPK, PPS in accordance with statutory provisions.

3. Carry out other authorities in accordance with statutory provisions.

KPPS Obligations

Apart from having duties and authorities, KPPS also has several obligations that must be carried out during the 2024 elections. Here is a summary:

1. Paste the permanent voter list at the polling station.

2. Follow up immediately on findings and reports submitted by witnesses, TPS supervisors, sub-district/village Panwaslu, election participants and the public on voting day.

3. Maintain and secure the integrity of the ballot box after the votes are counted and after the ballot box is sealed.

4. Submit the vote counting results to the PPS and Subdistrict/Village Panwaslu.

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5. Submit the sealed ballot box containing the ballot papers and certificate of vote counting results to the PPK via PPS on the same day.

6. Carry out other obligations given by the KPU, Provincial KPU, Regency/City KPU, PPK and PPS in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations.

7. Carry out other obligations in accordance with statutory provisions.

That is a summary of KPPS as an ad hoc body that carries out duties when voting and counting votes at TPS. Hopefully this article is useful.

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