Home » La Libertad Advisory: they appointed the brother of spokesperson Manuel Adorni in Defense with a million-dollar salary

La Libertad Advisory: they appointed the brother of spokesperson Manuel Adorni in Defense with a million-dollar salary

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La Libertad Advisory: they appointed the brother of spokesperson Manuel Adorni in Defense with a million-dollar salary

In the middle of a day especially sensible for the national Government, which was betting all its legislative chips to obtain general approval of the omnibus law in the Deputies, with hundreds of police officers trying in the streets to keep at bay large groups of left-wing militants and Kirchnerists who were trying to advance towards Parliament demanding that “the session be stopped”, there was news that also began to spread on social networks: Francisco Jorge Adorni, brother of presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni, was appointed as an “advisor” in the Ministry of Defense, and will have a salary of approximately 2.6 million pesos.

It is not yet known the nature of the functions that Adorni’s brother will fulfill in Defense, whether he will be an advisor to Minister Luis Petri or whether he will instead be linked to other sectors of that portfolio. The brother of the presidential spokesperson, it is worth noting, is a national public accountant.

Asked about the issue, spokesman Adorni admitted the issue, but told the Clarín Newspaper that your brother He has worked in the State for decades, and that he had nothing to do with that appointment in Defense.

The commotion was caused by the particular circumstance that, due to his role as libertarian spokesperson, it is up to Adorni to repeat the phrase daily. “there’s no money”, speaking in addition to adjustment and anticipating cuts in all public areas, as a consequence of course of the disastrous economic situation left by Kirchnerism. However, in networks they told the official that for their relatives “if there was money.”

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An alleged internal Defense memo was even circulated, pointing out that Adorni’s appointment as an advisor in that portfolio will have a salary of 5,000 monthly remuneration units, a code that currently would represent 2.6 million pesos. And it is notable that his appointment responds “as requested by ME-2024-10142515-APN-MD (Order No. 2).”

The discharge of Adorni’s brother in Defense will be this Thursday, February 1, and it is clarified that the mandatory “Certificate of Psychophysical Aptitude” that Francisco Adorni must present as imposed by the rules will bring him closer “within 30 days.”

Manuel Adorni, meanwhile, was seen this Thursday in the Deputies, accompanying Karina Milei on the steps of the Lower House, to attend part of the marathon debate of the draft version of the omnibus law.

Francisco Adorni’s tweets

Regarding Francisco Adorni’s political opinions, some of his tweets were read on social networks, including some that were excited about the start of Alberto Fernández’s administration in 2019:


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