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Avowed confirmed to have multiple endings

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Avowed confirmed to have multiple endings

Obsidian Entertainment‘s Avowed Promises Multiple Endings and Personalized Story

Obsidian Entertainment has been making waves in the gaming world with its upcoming release, Avowed. The highly anticipated game, first announced as one of the first Xbox Series X games, has been shrouded in mystery for some time. However, fans finally got a closer look at the game during the recent Xbox Developer Direct, where a lengthy demo showcasing gameplay was revealed.

In a recent interview with IGN, game director Carrie Patel shared some insights into what players can expect from Avowed. One of the standout features of the game is the promise of multiple endings, a hallmark of Obsidian’s storytelling prowess. Patel remarked, “I mean this is an Obsidian game. Where would we be if we didn’t have a few different endings?”

She also delved into the mechanics of the game, explaining how player choices and interactions with other characters will shape the outcome of the story. “Some things need to have surprising but believable results. If everything goes exactly as you expect, it may feel a little boring,” Patel said.

Avowed aims to offer players a personalized experience, allowing them to shape the story according to their decisions. Patel emphasized the wide range of experiences players can expect, drawing on Obsidian’s expertise in creating diverse and engaging RPGs.

The game, set for release on both PC and Xbox this year, will also be included in Game Pass, offering players another reason to get excited. With a blend of weapons and magic combat and the ability to swiftly change gear, Avowed is poised to deliver an immersive and dynamic gaming experience.

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As Obsidian continues to provide updates and reveals about Avowed, the anticipation for this expansive RPG continues to grow. Fans can expect an in-depth and captivating journey in the Living Lands as they shape their own story and experience a world filled with diverse and impactful choices.

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