Home » RomeCup 2024, the event dedicated to robotics and AI: prize of 20 thousand euros for the most promising paper

RomeCup 2024, the event dedicated to robotics and AI: prize of 20 thousand euros for the most promising paper

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RomeCup 2024, the event dedicated to robotics and AI: prize of 20 thousand euros for the most promising paper

There’s still time to sign up RomeCup 2024 which will be held on 20 and 21 March, at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, and on 22 March in Campidoglio with the final stages and the awards ceremony.

The RomeCup turns 17 this year and is organized by Digital World Foundation together with the hub Italian Tech et al GEDI publishing group. The initiative is promoted in collaboration with Tor Vergata University.

The event is a three-day multi-event dedicated to the innovation ecosystem which since 2007 has brought young people closer to studying and careers in the STEM field and develops highly sought-after skills and professional profiles, such as robotics and artificial intelligence.

The second edition of the award is also connected to the event “Most promising researcher in Robotics and AI”promoted with the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, to enhance the commitment of researchers and doctoral students in robotics and artificial intelligence projects. To the winners an award worth 20 thousand euros. All the info here.

It will also be presented the National Alliance on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Youth (ARIAG)a system that unites businesses, universities, schools, non-profits, local, regional and national governments to project Italy among the world leaders of new intelligent robotics, reiterating the centrality of people for the development of AI.

Italian schools compete for the International Robotics Trophy City of Rome and in two other innovative competitions: the first Italian SuperTeam championshipin collaboration with RoboCup Junior in the Rescue Line category, and the robotic arm challenge Robotic Arm Challenge. Sign up here.

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For the City of Rome Trophy, Italian schools working in the field of robotics can participate in the event by competing in one or more of the following competition categories: On Stage (Preliminary and Advanced), Explorer (Junior and Senior), Soccer (Open Leugue and Light Weith), Rescue (Line and Simulation).

After the pilot edition of 2023, the Robotic Arm Challenge category also comes into operation, offering students the opportunity to compare and enhance technical-creative skills in an inclusive environment.

Teams can participate in the Single team challenge modes completely independently and Contest challenge with a university. The contest was born from the collaboration with the high schools Avogadro of Vercelli (teacher Luca Oliva) and Canudo-Marone-Galilei of Gioia del Colle in the province of Bari (teacher Umberto Chimenti). The rules are here.

The Superteam in categoria Rescue Line (rescuer robots) becomes a real championship, designed to encourage collaboration and the exchange of knowledge between teams from different schools. Two teams from different institutes compete, matched by draw, each with its own robot according to the logic of cooperation, in a field divided in half with different difficulties. The rules are here.

#RomeCup2024, www.romecup.org

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