Home » “Every school that enters the Avenue is a miracle”, says Milton Cunha

“Every school that enters the Avenue is a miracle”, says Milton Cunha

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“Every school that enters the Avenue is a miracle”, says Milton Cunha

In the effervescence of Carnival, one name resonates with exuberance: Milton Cunha. The 61-year-old from Pará, recognized for his shiny suits and eloquence filled with superlatives, not only won the hearts of Rio de Janeiro residents, but also captivated Brazil. From his first steps as a carnival worker at Beija-Flor de Nilópolis, in 1993, to becoming a ubiquitous figure in the festivities, Milton transcends the limits of carnival, spreading himself through motivational videos for his more than a million followers on social media. social media, appearances on television, newspapers and entertainment programs, and even on applications such as Waze and on the loudspeakers of the Rio de Janeiro subway, where he directs revelers with his unique timbre.

A lover of popular culture, Milton Cunha does not distance himself from erudition, having a PhD in Literary Theory from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and accumulating two post-doctorates from the same institution, in addition to three published books and a fourth project in progress. In an exclusive interview given to VEJA, the carnival artist shares about his career, his future projects, his desire to become the voice of the Parintins Festival on TV Globo and, of course, about his inextinguishable passion for carnival, which for him, has never been it has an end.

What was the trigger that made you enter the world of carnival and become practically synonymous with this party?

My relationship with carnival began as a child, at the dances. I was in love with the costume, the mask, the character. Since I was a child, I dressed up: Indian, pirate, Arab… Then I came to live in Rio. In 93, Anísio [Abraão David, presidente da Beija-Flor de Nilópolis] and his wife, Fabíola, invited me to be a carnival worker. I present Margareth Mee, lady of the Bromeliads. So it’s like this, I sleep as a psychologist and wake up as a carnival. It’s something that fell into my lap, but I was very prepared. I had studied a lot and when I realized that in my hand was the greatest showcase of Brazilian popular culture, I threw myself into it with full force.

We see you in newspapers, on entertainment programs, as a commentator, presenter. We see you on open TV, streaming, in documentaries and we even hear you on the subway, in addition, of course, on social media, where you have more than a million followers. What is it like for you to work on so many fronts and see your work on such diverse platforms? Any favorites?

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I’ve been on television, in the newspaper, writing columns since 1990. I’m already old. But I was on the sidelines, I did radio with [Roberto] Canazio for ten years, I did Sem Censura, with Leda Nagle another ten, I did the broadcast of the Parintins Festival on Band… I came eating on the sidelines. I asked Daniel Filho for a chance, he said no. Roberto Talma said no. A lot of people said no, but I don’t give up either, I ask! I asked Miguel Athayde, and he said yes, and I joined. When I enter, with my voice, my way of speaking, my superlatives… it’s a success. The people imitate, the people scream. Now, I’m in the general public. The samba people always asked for my voice on Waze, on the subway and they got it. I see this as the general public supporting me. I love the video, I really like the image, the mannerisms, my eyes. Whether serious, making my good living messages, or joking, I think the video is my best.

Carnival became a symbol of carnival – (Social Media/Reproduction)

Carnival is certainly the most intense period of the year. Is there any special preparation to endure this marathon? What tends to be the biggest challenge for you?

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From October onwards, when I start recording “Enredo e Samba”, invitations and jobs start to appear. I also want to go to the courts, have fun. My husband and I go to the court, we dance, we play, we go to samba schools. We also want to enjoy it. It’s very tiring, but we don’t give up anything. We want to do everything! We sleep in taxis, on planes, without knowing where we are…it’s a crazy rush! But I have no preparation. I take care of my voice, keep quiet and do what I have to do. The biggest challenge is keeping up with demand. Lots of people, lots of photos, it’s all very… There are weekends when I record four programs. So, the main challenge is knowing where I am.

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What happens to Milton Cunha when carnival comes to an end?

Carnival never comes to an end for me. This one ends, and I’m going to consult for the Brasilia carnival, I’m going to the London carnival, the Coburg carnival, the Lausanne carnival. There’s always a demand for Carnival, and I’m always picking it up. Suddenly, September arrives and it all starts again. But, I use March, April, May, June, July and August to study, to do a third post-doctorate. I don’t give up studying.

With a broad academic career, Milton Cunha is the author of three books and plans to write the fourth (Editora Senac – R$ 345.00) (Editora Senac/Disclosure)

What can we expect from your projects for the coming year?

I’m going to write a new book, my fourth. It will be about carnival arts. I also founded the Brazilian Academy of Carnival Arts with Célia Domingues de Mangueira, another beautiful and giant challenge. I’m the president, she’s the vice president. We invited Rosa Magalhães to be the honorary president. And, at our invitation, Paulo Barros, Helena Theodoro, André Nascimento, Leonardo Bora, Gabriel Haddad and Leandro Vieira have already entered. We are assembling the group, we are going.

What do you attribute to becoming this great icon?

My success is a tripod: a lot of study, a lot of decoration, because I love it and I’m a partygoer, and a lot of intimacy with the people. I’m popular, I’m not castigated. I’m not from the socialite dance, I’m from the people. I hug, I sit on the sidewalk, I chat, and that’s just me, it’s true. It’s who I really am.

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There is speculation about the possibility of TV Globo buying the rights to show the Parintins Festival, given the popularity associated with Isabelle Nogueira, a participant in BBB24. Many people don’t know, but you are from the north of Brazil (from Belém do Pará) and, coincidentally or not, the Festival was one of the themes you dedicated yourself to in your academic training. If it comes to fruition, could we dream of a Milton Cunha commentator at the Parintins Festival?

I have already broadcast the Parintins Folklore Festival for five years on Band. I have a book ready about him, which I haven’t managed to edit yet. I have a deep relationship with the Festival. It’s very seductive, very beautiful! I think Brazil will be enchanted by its folkloric and cultural richness. And if you’re going to broadcast, I’m a voice. Because of my origin, my studies, my training. I’m the guy to convey this, right, beloved?!

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Finally, some questions about carnival. First of all, which school takes your heart to Avenida?

The hummingbird, because it was the one that launched me into Carnival, was my first opportunity. But, I am driven by a love of manifestation. I respect it, I think it’s a miracle. So, I don’t support it. I owe a debt of gratitude to Anísio, but I don’t support him. I watch, applaud everyone and see who was better. I’m not a fan, I’m an admirer. Every school that enters the Avenue is a miracle. It rains, the lights go out, it catches fire, the car breaks down, a hole opens, the clothes don’t arrive. It’s difficult to put that on Avenida, but they can do it.

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Favorite plot?

My favorite plot hasn’t been done yet. I’m going to make a book about him. It will be about the love that dare not say its name. The history of LGBTQIA+ in history, from the priestess Sappho, from Lesbos, the lesbians of the Greek island, to Rogéria, Valéria, Dzi Croquettes, Pabllo Vittar, Roberta Close. Going through the history of gays: Caligula, Pink Triangle, World War II, Oscar Wilde, João do Rio…

What are your bets to be the great champion of Rio Carnival this year?

I don’t bet. I don’t believe that… you only win when you put everything together. One has the samba, the other has the barracão, the other has the plot, the other has the flag bearer, but you have to put everything together to win. The ball is rolling, whoever makes the least mistakes wins.

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