Home » “Merging the provinces does not exist, it means melting the people”: stated Maximiliano Pullaro’s main official

“Merging the provinces does not exist, it means melting the people”: stated Maximiliano Pullaro’s main official

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“Merging the provinces does not exist, it means melting the people”: stated Maximiliano Pullaro’s main official

The attack against the governors has just begun. From Rome, Javier Milei accused them of being traitors and the first reaction was to cut funds destined for transportation subsidies. But he did not stop there, unexpectedly, he added the dismissal of officials (Osvaldo Giordano in Anses), elimination of extraordinary items, cuts in automatic shipments and abolished the teacher incentive fund.

One of the voices that came out to shed light on the position of the provinces was the Secretary of Government Juan Cruz Candido. The Santa Fe resident considered that he cannot be considered an Argentine without living in some province and that, subduing the interior in this way, is an old practice typical of centrist port politicians who do not look at the rest of the country.

“Córdoba never knelt and it will not do so now”, Llaryora’s message to Milei

“Kirchnerism started with an extractive system that took funds from the interior to support a political model in the Buenos Aires suburbs and every time they had an economic crisis they looked inland, to Santa Fe, to Córdoba, to see what they could take. The change, we understood that it was going to be something different, it was going to invent something different, but no, the first ones wanted to go inland, want to put more taxes on the countryside, invent taxes on the industry and take the funds from the provinces that are not part of it. the provinces,” said Candido.

“Merging the provinces does not exist, it means melting the people”, the official concluded in his sentence. He recalled that in other times “Domingo Cavallo also tried to do it, melting the provinces and melting the country as a whole. Let’s not repeat history,” he demanded in the interview with Radio Miter.

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Candido maintains that President Javier Milei reacts to what happened in Congress and he does so misinformed. “It is worth reminding the president that the deputies of the radical civic union, which is the party of the governor of Santa Fe, voted in general and when it came to voting in particular they voted eighty percent of what was voted in favor and they were going to vote “Practically all of them were in favor if it weren’t for the fact that the government itself decided to end the project and the debate.”

For Llaryora, Milei’s attack is not against the governors but rather it targets the people

They clarify that they themselves raised the differences in a public manner and with the objective of defending the producer of the interior. “Publicly there has been a statement from Santa Fe regarding what their dissidences were, regarding that we supported in general, that we supported a large part, the vast majority of the project, but that in some aspects that affected Santa Fe, we Santa Fe residents have the right to say that we do not accompany him. Who is obliged to do things that go against their province? “He highlighted.

Emboldened in the report, showing more concern than anger, Candido maintained that: “Decisions are made against Córdoba, against Santa Fe and it is intended that Córdoba, that Santa Fe… Shall we applaud? We cannot applaud because they affect us. And it’s not that they affect us, it’s not that they affect the governors. That’s a… That’s an enteleque, that doesn’t exist. The provinces themselves do not exist if it were not for the fact that people live in the provinces. And the country does not exist if it were not for the provinces or someone can name me an Argentine who lives in the Argentine Republic and who does not live in a province.”

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The removal of transport subsidies: a vendetta

For the secretary of the Santa Fe government All the decisions that Javier Miliei seems to make do so looking for an “epic of revenge” and looking to have results on the networks. “The epic of revenge in the story that is being built and that every government has the right to build. The epic of revenge looks very nice on social networks. Who is harmed? The people, those who are seriously hungry, those of us who have to assist them because inflation does not allow them to even reach the second fortnight. So I say, we have to think together, discussing, of course, the decisions that are made. This cannot be a race of revenge, I insist, and it cannot be the ethic of “I’m going to join the provinces, because the provinces are Argentine, there are no Argentines without the provinces.”

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He recalled that the subsidy cut was only for the interior, in the AMBA they continue. Action that will end up impacting the salaries of teachers and workers. “The teacher incentive fund was cut, teachers were harmed, the food reinforcement fund was cut, people who are hungry are harmed, the subsidy for the interior was cut for the interior, not for the AMBA. transportation, the interior is harmed, again, as happened with Kirchnerism, when money is needed, we go to the interior to see which hands we can take. We can take ourselves inside, the great Buenos Aires is still there watching how the rest work and put in the money on top of it.”

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