Home » Mourning for Johanna von Koczian – Johanna von Koczian has died – Radio SRF Musikwelle

Mourning for Johanna von Koczian – Johanna von Koczian has died – Radio SRF Musikwelle

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Mourning for Johanna von Koczian – Johanna von Koczian has died – Radio SRF Musikwelle

Mourning for Johanna von Koczian – Johanna von Koczian has died – Radio SRF Musikwelle – SRF

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She was 90 years old: In the 1970s, the singer and actress declared war on all Paschas with “A Bit of Household.” In doing so, she became, so to speak, the mouthpiece of all troubled housewives. It would remain her only big hit.

Equality was still a foreign concept in the 1970s. Seen in this way, Johanna von Koczian was extremely courageous when she rebelled against the male-dominated society with “The Little Household”. For some housewives, the famous line of text became a household word from then on.

Nevertheless, “The Little Household” was only one of many stages in Koczian’s career.

Legend: Her hobbies included swimming, water skiing and diving. Getty Images/Ullstein

The Berlin native played her way into the hearts of viewers through television series such as “Praxis Bülowbogen”, “The Country Doctor” and “Derrick”. She was regularly seen on stage, playing in Shakespeare classics such as “Hamlet” and musicals such as “My Fair Lady”. She celebrated her breakthrough in the cinema with “We Wunderkinder” (1958) alongside Hansjörg Felmy.

Johanna von Koczian has a daughter and was married to the now deceased music producer Wolfgang Kabitzky for almost 40 years. She appeared on TV, among other things, in the series “Danni Lowinski”.

Died at the age of 90

Radio SRF Musikwelle, February 15, 2024, 5:10 p.m.; duration/sleep

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