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Volleyball: Maaseik wins clasico against Roeselare (Maaseik)

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Cox, Fornes and Hanzic try to block Rotty. — © Dick Demey

VolleybalLotto Volley League

One matchday before the end of the regular competition, Maaseik smells second place. A 3-1 victory against arch-rival Roeselare, which kept a few starting pawns on the bench, gave Greenyard some extra impetus.

A heart-warming tribute and standing ovation for Martin Perin was the introduction to the second clasico of the season. Perin’s successor Landon Currie was immediately thrown to the lions by Fulvio Bertini. Roeselare coach Vanmedegael rotated, because his team was already certain of a final victory in the regular competition before the start of the match. Strong holders Coolman, Verhanneman, Plaskie and D’Hulst were given rest.

But things didn’t work out against the Roeselare B team either initially. The culprit – so he was in the starting line-up – was Seppe Rotty. The 22-year-old corner attacker is in top form and showed that. Aces, kill blocks, great reflexes in the backfield: Rotty used his entire arsenal and mercilessly filleted Maaseik in the first set (19-25).

© Dick Demey

But in an atmospheric Steengoed Arena, the home team then took the upper hand. Hanzic, Cox and substitute Iribarne successfully increased the serving pressure. An energetic Currie – Perin’s replacement – showed promise in the backfield, while Cox boosted his attacking percentage: 25-23 in set two. On the other side, Rotty and co came to a complete standstill, as evidenced by a heavy ball wash in set three (25-12). Even in set four, the smooth Maaseik victory was never in danger, 25-20. Maaseik comes within one point of Aalst one matchday before the end of the regular competition. If Greenyard wins in Menen next Saturday and Aalst wins in Roeselare, the Maaslanders will end the regular competition in second place.

See also  Maaseik returns to (provisional) leadership position (Maaseik)

Difficult weeks

“Roeselare may have played with its second team, but it is a damn strong second team,” says Maaseik player Hanzic. “You don’t just put those guys aside. Depovere, Van Elsen, Wijkstra, of course they all want to prove themselves. It is a very welcome three-pointer for us. The last few weeks have not been easy. What happened to Martin Perin left a deep lasting impression on many of us. And then of course there were also our mixed results. A victory against our biggest rival is therefore very gratifying. This victory also does us no harm in terms of ranking. If we can grab that second place at the last minute, we will not fail to do so. Because that entitles you to an extra point in the Champions Play-offs. Will I also play in the Maaseik shirt next season? We will see,” concludes Hanzic.

SETS: 19-25, 25-23, 25-12, 25-20.

MAASEIK: Polak, Bartos, Hanzic, Cox, Vanker, Fornès. Libero: Curry. Arrived in: Iribarne, Berkhout, Lindqvist.

ROESELARE: Wijkstra, Van Elsen, Treial, Rotty, Depovere, Fischer. Libero: Deroey. Came in: Verhanneman.

© Dick Demey

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