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Zaccaria Belatik, who was the 19 year old hit by the bus at the station

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Zaccaria Belatik, who was the 19 year old hit by the bus at the station

Tragedy Strikes as 19-Year-Old Brembate Man Dies in Bus Accident

The town of Brembate is in mourning after the tragic death of 19-year-old Zaccaria Belatik, who was fatally struck by a bus at the station in Bergamo. The young man had recently found a job at a local company and had obtained his forklift license, bringing excitement to his family. However, his life was cut short in a devastating accident.

According to witnesses, Belatik was at the station on Sunday morning, waiting for the tram, when he spotted the line 8 bus. In an attempt to catch the bus, he started running with his scooter, unaware of the danger that lay ahead. The bus driver, seemingly unaware of Belatik’s presence, collided with him, leading to a fatal outcome despite efforts by emergency medical personnel.

Belatik, who was of Moroccan descent but was raised in Italy, was a beloved member of the community who enjoyed practicing kickboxing in his free time. His untimely death has left a profound impact on those who knew him, with an outpouring of condolences and support for his grieving family.

“He was a bright, young soul with so much ahead of him,” said a friend of Belatik. “It’s heartbreaking to think that he’s no longer with us.”

As the community comes to terms with the loss of Belatik, plans are being made to hold a moment of prayer at the Islamic center in Zingonia or Curno, followed by his repatriation to Morocco as per his family’s wishes. The father of the deceased is met with a stream of mourners at their home in Brembate, all expressing their deepest sympathies.

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The tragic accident has left the town in shock, prompting calls for increased safety measures at transportation hubs to prevent similar incidents in the future. As the community grieves the loss of a promising young life, the memory of Zaccaria Belatik will live on in the hearts of those who knew him.

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