Home » Why not central Kongo to the Udps?

Why not central Kongo to the Udps?

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Why not central Kongo to the Udps?

The Kongo Central Province has seen almost all the political parties at its head and unfortunately these leaders have served themselves much more instead of serving the recovery of the economic fabric and the development of the province. All these successive governances ended in failure. Nepotism, mismanagement, corruption, bad governance are the master evils that have plunged Kongo Central into KO

Indeed, it is more than time for the UDPS, the party in power, with its clear and clear vision “THE PEOPLE FIRST” to take charge of the destiny of this province abandoned by lack of will and great negligence of its previous leaders.

When we realize that everyone has failed, the Udps can do something, and yes the example comes from above; This is no longer a debate today!

The province of Kongo Central has always maintained very good relations with this party, formerly in opposition and now in power.


Since the dawn of time, relations between this party and the province of Kongo Central have always been good.
As proof, the electoral cycles have always consecrated the Udps candidates, notably in 2011 with the late Dr Etienne Tshisekedi with a Soviet-style score, in 2018 and 2023 with Félix Antoine Tshisekedi thus, the Udps presidential candidates have always crushed the competition in this part of the Republic.

All in all, there is a sort of attraction there, a natural love that does not speak its name between the Udps and central Kongo.

In view of all this, we can say that the presidential party owes this province and should normally pay its debt by bringing a second life, a new hope of good governance.

The Udps is full of men and women who can lead the destiny of this province, like Donatien Matoko Luemba elected Udps national deputy for the constituency of Lukula, here is a man who can make the difference because he perfectly embodies the vision of President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi.

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Nicknamed “little Fatshi”, this elected official shows incredible will and determination to serve his population.

We also believe that, for the relaunch of major projects and the integral development of this part of the country, it is imperative to entrust management to the party of the movement which has, not only a record to present and defend but also a typical person able to understand the real problem of his province because being a native, son of the land; man in the field and very close to his population.

Remember that the poor casting of a manager is among the first elements that prevent the success of a good mandate and, moreover, undoubtedly leads to failure!

Yes, this potentially rich province must at all costs rise and develop and this is only possible by succeeding in placing the right man in the right place!

Given the failures of the leaders who took over the command of this province, the Udps remains the favorite party because it has never led the province of Simon Kimbangu and is, to date, the last touch on which the provincial deputies can bank in order to bring their choices!

Donatien Matoko Luemba, since it is about him, is a Philanthropist of his state, President of the foundation which bears his name, having carried out several actions for many years and in 2023 for example, he took into burden on own funds nearly 2000 patients, mainly women who give birth in particular by cesarean section, testicular hernia operations etc…

A great defender of free education, he built schools and health centers, the supply of drinking water, all for the happiness of his population. We will not forget his plea to the Head of State through the Minister of Public Health for the effective start of free maternity in central Congo.
The presidential party through its elected representative Lukula has enough assets to put this province back on track.

Our editorial staff, which was able to approach a segment of the population of central Kongo about this possibility, realized unequivocally that they are very favorable to the election of the Udps and its candidate Donatien Matoko Luemba at the head of the province.

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New hope is reborn with the UDPS at the head of Central Congo.

Special correspondence

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