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Destination Sinnoh and Glimmers of Gratitude…

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Destination Sinnoh and Glimmers of Gratitude…

Pokémon Go has announced two special events for this week, very different from each other: on the one hand the event Destination Sinnohfocused on raids and races to hatch eggs, on the other Glimmers of gratitude, which requires you to catch a ton of Pokémon. We’re not exaggerating: no one has yet unlocked beyond the second level (out of seven) of this capture quest Shaymin in version shiny. Instead, the other ticket involves raiding and walking fast to prepare for this weekend’s event.

Two different events for pace and intensity: we are playing both and want to help you understand what will be the most fun option for you?. Just one event, both, none? Let’s try to understand it together.

Pokémon Go: Destination Sinnoh and Glitter of Gratitude, how do the events work?

After the event dedicated to Los Angeles, the Sinnoh Pokémon GO Tour: Global will kick off from 10am to 6pm on Saturday 24 February and Sunday 25 February, worldwide. During the event, we will have several bonuses: eggs will hatch in half the kilometers, we will be able to make six special exchanges (and for half as much stardust).

There will be special missions (one of which with Team Rocket), several shiny ones to catch (including the Unown S,I,N,O,H with incense) and in raids you can find various Pokémon from the Sinnoh region — including the legendary ones Palkia e Dialga. And you can also meet the Original shape Of Dialga e Palkiawith special attacks that also have effects outside of combat.

In short: the weekend will be full of news. And to better prepare yourself, you can choose to purchase the ticket in Pokémon Go Destination Sinnoh.

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What does the Sinnoh Destination Ticket offer in Pokémon Go?

For those who want to better prepare for their trip, Destination Sinnoh tickets are available. These tickets, available for purchase until 6pm on Sunday 25 February, cost five dollars and offer unique experiences and rewards. Ticket holders will enjoy rich timed research, special rewards and exclusive avatar bonuses. And you can also give them as gifts.

For 5.99 euros, Trainers will be able to access a timed research dedicated to raids. Rewards include candies for legendary Pokémon such as Dialga e Rewards (ten each), but also five L candies for Heatran, Giratina, Cresselia and Darkrai. To do this you must win between two and eight raids: in this case, you will also receive an Eevee Fan Mask. This pairs very well with the Raid Time Research, which has the same demands and offers encounters with Sinnoh legendaries.

You’ll also activate bonuses like 5,000 additional XP and candy for winning raids, as well as two extra tickets per day for participating in raids.

Not just raids

If you are passionate about hatching eggs, with others 5,99 euro you will be able to unlock a timed search dedicated to this activity. Pokémon encounters like Pachirisu, Chatot, Carnivine and others will be among the rewards. Additionally, bonuses include double XP, Candy, and Stardust during hatching. You can win, in this case, the Pikachu Fan Mask.

Regardless of the ticket you decide (or not) to buy, from 19 to 23 February, the fields, gyms and eggs of Pokémon GO will be filled with Sinnoh creatures. Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup will be among the most common visitors. Grotle, Monferno, and Prinplup might show up, and with a bit of luck, you might even make friends with the color variants.

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During the event, the gyms will be full of Pokémon ready to be battled. Level one raids will feature Turtwig, Chimchar and Squirtle in party dress. Grotle, Monferno and Prinplup will be among the challenges of the level three raids. Legends of Sinnoh, how Darkrai, Cresselia, Heatran e Giratina in Original Forme, they will join the party in level five raids, one different per day

The in-game store will offer a new range of avatar items, including helmets, wings and jackets inspired by Giratina, Diamond and Pearl.

A long quest for Shiny Shaymin

The other special adventure in addition to Destination Sinnoh, represents a totally different approach to Pokémon Go. Instead of an event dedicated to two very powerful legendary dragons, to be carried out in a few days together with all the other trainers, we have a long adventure for catch the Shiny version of a Pokémon which, in all likelihood, you will not have to fight often.

Glimmers of Gratitude allows you to meet Shaymin shiny, along with another set of tools: 60 Ultra Balls, 3 Radar Rockets, but also candies for Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. But we still know little about this challenge, for the simple fact that it is very long. In the first level out of seven (where we believe we will stay for a long time, unless we win the lottery and stop working) you have to capture 492 Pokémon of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. You understood correctly: 492 for each of these regions, for a total of almost two thousand catches. Which will give you the same amount of XP as well as ten candies for the Sinnoh dragons.

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Those who were able to overcome this first huge obstacle (like those of Pokémon Go Hub) found another equally large one: Pokémon captures for 21 different days — no one has yet had time to test what Pokémon encountered after this result.

Those of us who only play in our spare time (and sometimes not even in that time), will probably finish this challenge in a year. But we don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. If those who play Pokémon Go at a high level will find the continuous raids of Destination Sinnoh exciting, those who play little (and are unable to meet up with a group to challenge the legendaries) cannot take full advantage of the event. While this long challenge It rewards consistency more than intensity.

Pokémon Go, after so many years, is still played by both enthusiasts and those who only open the app once in a while. And we like the fact that Niantic has thought of both. Which category do you belong to? Will you buy a ticket? Which? Let us know in the comments.

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