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the five foods not to eat for dinner to sleep well

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the five foods not to eat for dinner to sleep well

New Study Reveals 5 Foods to Avoid for Better Sleep

Are you struggling to get a good night’s sleep? It might be what you’re eating at dinner that’s keeping you awake. A recent study has identified 5 foods that can disrupt your sleep and cause insomnia.

Exciting foods like chocolate, alcohol, tea, and coffee are all known to stimulate the central and peripheral nervous system, making it difficult to fall asleep. Red meat, especially containing tyrosine, acts as a mental stimulant and disturbs the sleep-wake rhythm. Dried fruits, although healthy, should be consumed in minimal quantities to avoid their stimulating effects. Licorice and leavened foods can also interfere with your sleep cycle and cause discomfort during the night.

But fear not, there are also foods that can help you sleep better. Carbohydrates like pasta and rice contain serotonin, the good mood molecule, and can help you relax and fall asleep easier. Oats, with their ability to relax the nervous system, are a great option for a bedtime snack.

So next time you’re planning your evening meal, make sure to avoid these disruptive foods and opt for those that promote relaxation and better sleep. Your body will thank you in the morning.


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