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Snack machine in front of elementary school: “In my opinion, a loophole in the law” – Ruhr area – News

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Snack machine in front of elementary school: “In my opinion, a loophole in the law” – Ruhr area – News

For two weeks, nothing other than this snack machine has been talked about at the Wiehagenschule. Even in class. “I was just discussing in my class: What is the difference between a vending machine and a kiosk?” explains Nicola Buschkotte, the headmistress of the primary school in Werne. But it is also the topic par excellence in the schoolyard. The headmistress meets a child there who tells her without hesitation: “The machine has to go!”

There are also discussions about the machine among parents. Before school, the headmistress talks to a mother who regrets that such a snack machine doesn’t necessarily promote the free use of pocket money – even though her daughter hasn’t bought anything yet.

The machine in question is in the middle of the town center of Werne. On the side of the road, inconspicuous. And actually in a place where there isn’t really a lot of foot traffic. Except for the primary school children, whose school is directly opposite. Nobody bought anything that afternoon. But several people took a look. Before school starts, it regularly happens that a queue forms there, says the headmistress.

Vending machine also filled with trendy sweets

The machine is filled with everything that is advertised on the Internet as special and desirable sweets: chocolate that looks like marijuana and extra-hot chips from Mexico. They are not banned like, for example, the Hot Spicey Chips from a TikTok challenge. But they are considered a status symbol in the schoolyard, says the headmistress. There are regular arguments about this. When the chips are bragged about, they sometimes even fly around the classroom.

Warning on energy drinks: Not recommended for children

Our on-site test also shows that energy drinks are directly available in the vending machine. Throw in three euros, type in the number and the pink energy drink praised on the Internet is in the dispensing slot. This is strictly legal. However, the consumption of caffeinated energy drinks in children is associated with high risks. There is even a warning on the can we bought: Not recommended for children and pregnant women.

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Automata is a constant topic at school

The free availability gives the headmistress of the Wiehagenschule a stomach ache. “We advocate healthy eating in schools and do everything we can to help children learn to pay attention to their diet. And then the children drop out of school and can grab a Red Bull from the vending machine. That makes me wonder what the point of me is activity,” says Nicola Buschkotte.

The headmistress is calling for politicians to intervene: “In my opinion, this is a clear gap in the law that such machines have no place within a certain radius of x meters from schools.” Of course, she adds, there are similarly unhealthy products in a kiosk. But more choice and a control person who could stop the sale of age-inappropriate products.

City of Werne: Vending machines do not require a permit

In any case, the city of Werne’s hands are tied when it comes to the machine. A spokeswoman for the city explains that there is no way to shut down the machine. The city even had this checked under building regulations. However, there is no law that requires the approval of a vending machine. In addition, the machine is on private property.

The operator of the machine could not be reached

And the operator of the machine? He cannot be reached by WDR today. No one answers the phone at the number given on the machine. The name and address of the operator, which actually have to be attached to the machine, are missing.

The headmistress says she has met the man before when refilling the machine. He probably wants to accommodate her: soon the machine will be turned off half an hour before school starts. But the machine is still in operation at all times.

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Our sources:

WDR reporter on siteHeadmistress WiehagenschuleParents in front of schoolCity of Werne

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