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They will recover roads of 6 paths in the Corregimiento de Punto Nuevo in Yopal – news

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They will recover roads of 6 paths in the Corregimiento de Punto Nuevo in Yopal – news

Governor César Augusto Ortíz Zorro and the manager of Capresoca, Haison Omar Carrillo Lemus, were optimistic about the decision of the Health Superintendency to extend for eight more months, until October 26, the special surveillance measure imposed against the EPS since 2016.

The Governor specified that this decision opens the possibility of implementing the proposal to regionalize Capresoca under the new service delivery model of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

“This is very important. They give us eight months to correct some indicators, but that gives us hope, because the challenge of this Administration and management is to lift the measure so that our EPS does not have any risk of being liquidated.”

turns were made

The president ratified his commitment and willingness to strengthen the EPS of the Casanareños, after being the only public one in the country; For which, in previous days, the transfer of 4,500 million pesos was made, of the 17 billion pesos programmed for this period within the framework of the capitalization project, advancing in the payment of outstanding debts to suppliers and service providers, especially to the Orinoquía Regional Hospital, thus ensuring care for users.

The expansion of the special measure is due to the work that the management team has directed and that today the Comptroller General of the Republic highlights in a report that shows the provision of a technical reserve for 59 billion pesos, a product of the capitalization project; proving compliance with this indicator.

“This Government must pay 70 billion pesos, within the projections made in the capitalization project, and that is what makes this indicator favorable for us. Let’s hope that, by April, we can assume the 17 billion pesos corresponding to this year. However, there are many other indicators that we have to achieve, because we are a little weak,” said the Governor.

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For his part, Carrillo Lemus noted that the monitoring and surveillance of the EPS is a continuous exercise, month by month, from which the actions carried out for each of the indicators that must be overcome are reviewed; in which the technical, operational and administrative team of Capresoca and the company designated by the National Health Superintendency participate in this process.

Source: news – HOLA Casanare

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