Home » A single orca killed a great white shark – researchers are amazed

A single orca killed a great white shark – researchers are amazed

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A single orca killed a great white shark – researchers are amazed

A team of researchers off South Africa observed for the first time how a single… Orca killed a great white shark in just two minutes. It demonstrated that orcas do not have to hunt in packs to kill great white sharks, which are among the world‘s largest predators. Marine biologist Alison Towner from South Africa’s Rhodes University, who led the international team, spoke of “groundbreaking insights” into the hunting behavior of orcas.

Orcas, also known as killer whales or killer whales, usually work in groups to hunt and kill great white sharks and other large prey. These include sea lions, seals, other shark species and sometimes even whales. Orcas can also hunt most of these prey on their own. However, no single orca has ever been observed hunting a great white shark, whose fatty liver is a delicacy for them.

In June 2023, scientists observed for the first time how an orca hunted a two and a half meter long young great white shark off the coast of the small town of Mossel Bay in the Western Cape province and later swam past a boat with its liver in its mouth. The researchers are now presenting their observations in the “African Journal of Marine Science”.

A team led by Towner had already discovered in 2022 that an orca pair was systematically killing white sharks in the coastal area of ​​Gansbaai.

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