Home » Mimmo king of bad luck, there is nothing beautiful

Mimmo king of bad luck, there is nothing beautiful

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Mimmo king of bad luck, there is nothing beautiful

‘Monday losers‘ analyzes, with a hint of the usual and healthy irony, what happened over the Serie A weekend. And, on the weekend of the 27th matchday of the championship, the smell of bad luck hovered over many pitches. And not only on those,

More and more beautiful than ugly

The refereeing of Lazio-Milan was the most discussed topic, from Friday night until late Sunday evening, at that time Open Var, on air Dazn. The episode defined at the limit between Castellanos and Maignan, and the three expulsions, primarily that of Pellegrini: Di ​​Bello really seems to have understood little or nothing. And by the way, in his case, it’s not the first time. So much the same Silvio Berlusconi, some time ago, he said he should have been called Di Brutto. The real bad luck for the referee is perhaps having that surname which lends itself so much to easy puns…

Vlahovic, revenge and return

Until a few weeks, everyone, including us, was talking about how, with Vlahovic back in form, Juve could have even bothered Inter in the championship race. Then what happened happened, with the Bianconeri entering a tunnel of negative results and defeated in direct battle. The one who is even more in the tunnel is the Serbian striker, who yesterday seems to have decided to return to his old and ugly glories. There were three sensational wasted scoring opportunities in the first half of the match against Napoli: with the header, with the dig into the post and with the shot into the stands, after Traoré’s gift. Errors which, given the final result, weigh quite a bit. Dusan, you can still prove that it’s just bad luck…

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Mimmo don’t give up!

The cover of this episode of ‘The Monday losers’ cannot fail to go to the Sassuolo player. Having returned after a long two-month stoppage, the 29-year-old was knocked out again, leaving the pitch in tears. Achilles tendon rupture and stop for at least seven months. In short, the season is over and goodbye to the European Championships. A blow of bad luck, for a player who is too often underestimated and much criticized, for the neroverdi, in the midst of a battle for salvation and who are losing their leader and symbolic footballer, and for Spalletti, who will now have to study alternative solutions. Because, if luck is blind, bad luck sees very well.

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