Home » USA, Haley wins the Republican primaries in Washington. And Trump insults her

USA, Haley wins the Republican primaries in Washington. And Trump insults her

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USA, Haley wins the Republican primaries in Washington.  And Trump insults her

The race for the nomination

First success for Trump’s rival. And the tycoon insults her and the US capital: «“Chicken Brain” spent all her money in that useless swamp»

March 4, 2024

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Nikki Haley won the Republican primary in Washington. CNN reports it. It is the first success for Donald Trump’s rival in the race for the Republican nomination for November’s presidential elections. Haley’s victory in the American capital is not a surprise and for many analysts the challenge in Washington was considered perhaps the only chance for the former governor of South Carolina to overcome Trump. The tycoon is not much loved by the 22,000 registered Republican voters in the US capital. In 2020 the former president won but had no rivals, while in 2016 he came third.

And his reaction was not long in coming: Trump denigrated his opponent’s first victory for the nomination, calling her a “chicken brain” in a post on his social media site Truth. «I deliberately stayed away from Washington, the “swamp”, with very few delegates and no advantages. “Chicken Brain” spent all his time, money and efforts there. The really big numbers will arrive on Super Tuesday”, attacked the tycoon.

Meanwhile, the American Supreme Court has announced that it will issue some rulings today, among which could be the decision on the exclusion of Trump from the primaries in Colorado.

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