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Fibromyalgia disabling disease? It has not yet been included in the Lea. What to know – QuiFinanza

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Fibromyalgia disabling disease?  It has not yet been included in the Lea.  What to know – QuiFinanza

The Chamber of Deputies Approves Motion Recognizing Fibromyalgia as a Disabling Disease

In a landmark decision, the Chamber of Deputies has approved a motion for the recognition of fibromyalgia as a disabling disease. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome that can have debilitating effects on individuals, making it difficult for them to lead a normal life and work.

Over the past month, several political parties, including Italia Viva, Pd, M5S, FdI, Action, and Verdi-Italian Left, have filed motions in the House addressing the recognition of fibromyalgia as a disabling disease. The approval of this motion marks a significant step forward in acknowledging the challenges faced by individuals suffering from fibromyalgia.

People living with fibromyalgia often struggle to receive timely and adequate treatment, leading to isolation, stress, anxiety, and depression. The failure to recognize the impact of the disease on individuals can further exacerbate their pain and suffering.

The Veneto Regional Council had previously approved a bill recognizing fibromyalgia as a chronic and disabling disease in early February. The move to include fibromyalgia in the Essential Levels of Assistance (LEA) will grant sufferers important benefits and support for their healthcare needs.

Minister for Disability Alessandra Locatelli emphasized the need for greater understanding of fibromyalgia and the importance of providing support to individuals battling the disease. The approval of these motions represents a step in the right direction towards addressing the challenges faced by fibromyalgia patients.

Various political parties, including Italia Viva, 5 Star Movement, Brothers of Italy, and the Democratic Party, have actively advocated for the recognition of fibromyalgia as a disabling disease. Each party has underscored the importance of ensuring access to essential care, treatments, and diagnostic tests for individuals living with fibromyalgia.

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Fibromyalgia affects approximately 1.5-2 million people in Italy, with a higher prevalence among women of childbearing and working age. The approval of the motion by the Chamber of Deputies signifies a critical milestone in supporting individuals living with fibromyalgia and addressing their healthcare needs.

The journey towards recognizing fibromyalgia as a disabling disease is far from over, but the approval of the motion marks a significant step forward in improving the lives of individuals battling this chronic pain syndrome.

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