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Tips for a Toned and Firm Abdomen: Exercises to Burn Fat and Get a Flat Stomach

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Tips for a Toned and Firm Abdomen: Exercises to Burn Fat and Get a Flat Stomach

Want a flat and toned abdomen? Follow these expert-approved exercises

If you are looking to achieve a flat and toned abdomen, it is essential to take care of your diet and incorporate specific exercises into your training routine. Here are some suggestions to help you burn fat and sculpt a firm belly.

Work the abdomen area with the dead bug

The dead bug exercise is highly recommended for working the deep musculature of the body. Beatriz Crespo, from Diego de León Clinics, suggests lying down on the floor, facing up, and alternately lifting your arms and flexing your knees. This movement helps activate both the upper and lower abs, leading to a flat stomach.

Achieve a flat abdomen with the plank

Physiotherapist Marcos Sacristán explains the correct way to do the plank exercise to work the abs without straining your back. This isometric exercise, popular in Pilates, involves distributing your body weight between your forearms and toes while keeping your pelvis in a neutral position.

Tone the abdominal area with horizontal scissors

Coach Willy Ros demonstrates how to perform horizontal scissors, an effective exercise for working the abdomen. By lying down and crossing your legs horizontally while keeping your hands under your lower back for support, you can strengthen your core muscles.

Strengthen your oblique abdominals with Russian twists

Russian twists are another great exercise for achieving a flat and toned abdomen. By sitting on the floor, lifting your legs, and twisting your torso from side to side while touching the ground with your hands or a weight, you can target your oblique abdominals.

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Try bicycle crunches for a complete ab workout

Considered the best abs exercise for women by Gym Company experts, bicycle crunches work the entire six-pack region of the abdomen. By pedaling in the air as if riding a bicycle and bringing your elbows towards the opposite knee, you can engage the core muscles effectively.

Burn abdominal fat with one arm toe touch crunch

This full-body exercise is ideal for burning abdominal fat and working the obliques, rectus abdominis, and lower abs. By lifting one arm and leg to touch your toe, you can sculpt a lean and toned abdomen.

Move with climbers for a firm abdomen

Climbers, also known as mountain climbers, are an effective exercise for targeting the abdomen. By supporting yourself with your hands and feet on the ground and moving one foot at a time as if climbing a mountain, you can engage your core muscles and flatten your abdomen.

Vary your routine with standing crunches

Patry Jordn shares a routine of standing abs exercises on her Gymvirtual channel to help you burn calories and achieve a flat abdomen. By lifting your leg and bringing your knee towards your elbow, you can target the abdominal muscles effectively.

Incorporate these expert-approved exercises into your routine to achieve a flat and toned abdomen. Remember to pair them with a balanced diet for optimal results.

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