Home » Teen livestreams dangerous climb of cell phone tower, officer impressed during arrest: “Did you climb to the top?”

Teen livestreams dangerous climb of cell phone tower, officer impressed during arrest: “Did you climb to the top?”

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An American man was arrested at the end of February when he livestreamed a dangerous stunt on social media. To collect likes, Trent Degulis (19) climbed a cell phone tower in the dark in a town in Florida. The police soon discovered what was happening and were waiting for him at the foot of the tower. “Did you climb all the way to the top?”, he sounds surprised when the officer handcuffs the man. “That’s insane.”

Source: WTSP, New York Post, 10 Tampa BayTuesday, March 5, 2024 at 7:47 PM

The teen told officers he climbed the cell phone tower because he wanted to watch the sunset. According to his explanation and local broadcaster WTSP, the tower was at least 480 meters high, but that seems exaggerated: cell phone towers in the United States usually measure between 100 and 150 meters, and police could not confirm what height Degulis eventually reached. He was charged with trespassing and spent a night in jail before being released on bail.

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