Home » Hard on social media, aligned in Parliament: the double step of the parties on reopening and vaccines

Hard on social media, aligned in Parliament: the double step of the parties on reopening and vaccines

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A vaccination campaign that tries to take off, an economic crisis that adds to the exasperation of many sectors exhausted by months of closure, a pandemic that still holds an entire nation in check: the challenges of governo Dragh i, two months after his inauguration, these are above all. But how are the different political forces reacting (and communicating)? A picture is provided by FB Bubbles – a division of FB & Associati, specialized in the analysis of public debate and in the development of strategies and advocacy campaigns – which analyzed the debate on strategies for exiting the pandemic with a focus on vaccines, schools and reopenings.

A dystonic picture between social and palace

It is the theme of reopening that is the most debated of this phase, recording on social networks – in the last month – almost 1 million mentions for a total volume of over 2.5 million interactions. On the one hand, the univocal and rigorous message that comes from the premier, Mario Draghi, and from Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, which links the openings to the progress of the vaccination campaign and to that of the epidemiological situation. On the other hand, the message of those asking to reopen, with the Brothers of Italy and the League in the lead.


But the analysis by FB Bubbles says that if towards Fratelli d’Italia the social positioning reflects coherence with the activity carried out at the parliamentary level – with 32% of the documents relating to reopening being registered – the same thing cannot be said for the League, which at the parliamentary level has very little activity. Only 5% of the documents on the subject concern Northern League exponents, in stark contrast to the strong media and social exposure of the leader Matteo Salvini. An approach that seems to confirm the trend already seen during the crisis that led to the fall of the Government Conte II, where the League began to develop a dystonic strategy between social communication and parliamentary action: tones of struggle and battle on the communication channels, towards a more loyal and responsible attitude in parliamentary actions.

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An approach that seems to be consolidated with the majority agreement signed with Premier Draghi. The modus operandi of the 5 Star Movement, less active on social media, but very present in parliament with 28% of union acts presented on the subject of reopening. The figure concerning the Democratic Party is also significant. Absent in the social debate, if not to responsibly confirm support for the Premier’s line, at parliamentary level he shows little activity on the subject of reopening with 8% of the total documents presented.

The most debated topics in the Classroom

With 15 thousand mentions in the last month and an engagement volume of over 656 thousand interactions, the school it has earned a prominent place in the thematic discussion. At the parliamentary level, the issue is also central. Numerous acts presented on the subject, in multiple forms, such as agendas, questions, motions and question times, testifying to a strong interest and commitment on the subject. The most active party is the 5 Star Movement, followed by Forza Italia, Lega and Gruppo Misto. 10% of the acts concern Brothers of Italy, the only opposition force. Absent on Pd, despite its historical proximity to the school sector.

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