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Dossierage, Meloni “freezes” Nordio: the commission of inquiry blocked

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Dossierage, Meloni “freezes” Nordio: the commission of inquiry blocked

Dossierage, Meloni “freezes” Nordio: the commission of inquiry blocked. “It would take a very long time”

The ‘dossier case’ was not addressed in the Council of Ministers because – according to a center-right ‘big man’ – it would have been discussed, among other things, during the leaders’ summit held before the Council of Ministers. Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini, Antonio Tajani and Maurizio Lupi they met before the Council of Ministers: a meeting after the elections in Abruzzo, after all even after the vote in Sardinia there had been a discussion on the outcome of the polls. This time too, the strength of the coalition was underlined and among the ‘big names’ of Fdi and FI it is denied, among other things, that there is a ‘League case’.

It is true that the party in Via Bellerio has decreased its consensus compared to the Regional elections in Abruzzo in 2019, but in fact it has maintained the political trend. Hence the belief that it is necessary to travel united also in view of the elections in Basilicata, Piedmont and Umbria but above all with regard to the European elections which will be played with proportional representation. Today, among other things, the center-right table on the municipalities met. But in the meeting between the leaders, according to a report centre-right parliamentary source, the issues linked to the Perugia investigation would also have been addressed. Justice Minister Nordio had proposed a commission of inquiry in recent days, proposal also endorsed by the League. During the lunch, Prime Minister Meloni, the same sources explain, underlined that it is necessary to avoid an overlap. Hence the decision to ‘stop’ for the moment the idea launched by the Keeper of the Seals.

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“It would take a very long time, it would be better for us to move forward with the work of the Anti-Mafia Commission”, observes a ‘big’ from FI. In the evening the note then arrived from the group leaders of the Chamber and Senate of Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Lega, Civici d’Italia – Noi Moderati – Maie. “In the serious matter of the dossier, the sensitivity of the ongoing investigations, followed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Perugia and the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, suggests – states the note – that there should be no political overlaps before the conclusion of the investigations themselves. The Anti-Mafia Commission is acting on the initiative of the investigating magistrates, and has the task of completing what cannot be the subject of a criminal investigation, i.e. the political interpretation of the matter. It is doing so having the tools and competence”.

And again: “The possible establishment of a specific parliamentary commission of inquiry will be evaluated subsequently, also in light of what will emerge from the work of the Anti-Mafia Commission. In fact, the time required for the establishment of a new commission of inquiry cannot eliminate the need to obtain immediate clarity and to provide answers to facts which are, as the prosecutor Cantone said in the Commission, of ‘monstrous gravity’. The League says yes to the stop even if it has insisted, again according to what we learn, on the need not to exclude a similar eventuality in the future.

For now, therefore, no commission of inquiry into the ‘dossier case’. We’ll see. The presidential office of the Anti-Mafia Commission will be held tomorrow who could decide on new hearings, among other things that of the head of Defense Guido Crosetto. It cannot be ruled out that De Benedetti could be audited while the possibility of auditing the journalists of ‘Domani’ (a request made among other things by representatives of FI), the magistrate Laudati and the financier Striano would not be on the agenda.
“The instigators of the dossier still remain hidden today. There is a secret that must be brought to light as soon as possible”, reasons the Fdi group leader in the Chamber, Foti. “I would let justice take its course and I believe that then we will also see politically how to intervene”, underlined the undersecretary of labour, the Northern League member Durigon. Today Forza Italia protested over the “mud campaign” against Berlusconi. “We remain disconcerted by the seriousness of the implications of the dossier investigation”, states the Italian group leader in the Senate, Gasparri, “it is a fact of unprecedented gravity that an occult director worked to prevent the election of the founder of Forza Italia to the Quirinale, throwing shadows on the moral question and on eligibility profiles”. While the leader Iv Renzi attacks: “Two Fdi ministers, Crosetto and Nordio, have asked for a commission of inquiry into the dossiers. If Fdi says no it is clear that the block comes from Meloni” And again: “They will cover up everything, there could be unsuspected people”.

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Dossierage, Salvini: “We will file reports in all the prosecutor’s offices”

“We will make reports to all the prosecutor’s offices”, announces Matteo Salvini who looks into the dossiers, warning that “they were not four people snooping around, but to spy on and disgrace the League”. “Not even in the Soviet Union or North Korea, these things”, says the deputy prime minister and leader of the League, again on Rete4 for Quarta Repubblica. “I’m not giving up an inch,” he reiterates.

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