Home » Milei in news+, learn about the president’s most important sayings in this latest interview POLITICS El Intransigente

Milei in news+, learn about the president’s most important sayings in this latest interview POLITICS El Intransigente

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Milei in news+, learn about the president’s most important sayings in this latest interview POLITICS El Intransigente

In an exchange with Luis Majul in news+, the president Javier Miley answered questions about the different events that have occurred in Argentine politics in recent weeks.

A “positive” rejection

During the week, The Senate rejected the DNU proposed by the liberal governmentamong the different points that are criticized are the powers delegated to the president, privatization of national companies, repeal of different laws including the Rental Law, and a labor reform.

Despite this new setback, Milei was optimistic about the situation. She stated that this rejection was contemplated and emphasized the support that the project received in the Senators, despite having only seven seats, she garnered 25 votes in favor. She pointed out the opposition, especially the Kirchnerist sectors, with the phrase “Of the orkos only ork attitudes are expected«. He also announced that if he could not obtain the necessary majorities in the Chambers, the ruling party would continue with other DNUs and formats.

«We do not believe that the DNU in Deputies is down. And if it falls, those who make it fall will suffer the same fate as the red names, and their little faces, from what happened in the Senate. He is not a creep. Voting is public. Let people know who the enemies of society are.«Milei defended the different lists that name those senators who oppose the DNU.

Rebellion in the Río de la Plata

One of Majul’s questions was referred to the call of José Luis Espert, now a deputy for La Libertad Avanza, to not pay certain provincial taxes. The president had already shown his support on social media, but during the interview the topic came up and he soon fired shots at the Buenos Aires governor. Axel Kicillof. «He said that point 1 of the May Pact makes no sense because private property is enshrined in the National Constitution, so let him know that he violated it. (the Constitution) why the advance via taxes is an expropriation«.

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With the reinstatement of the liberal leader to Milei’s party, as well as the support and powers granted to him; Espert and Milei seem to have recomposed the relationship that led them to redefine the liberal current in Argentina, and that was cut due to personal differences when the now president launched his campaign.

The chainsaw and the blender

Faced with the topic of the adjustment that the national government is making and the criticism about who is really affected by it, Milei came out to defend himself saying “What counts is the size of the State. If I tell you that we reduced public spending in the first two months by 38%, we are returning money to the people because they will pay less taxes.«, «“We had all the elements to have the worst crisis in history, monetary imbalance worse than in the Rodrigazo, the bankruptcy of the Central Bank worse than in the previous Alfonsín hyper crisis, social indicators worse than in 2001.”

«The monetary issue is a scam, Kircherism in its last period issued 28 points of GDP in three years, and in the last year it issued 13 points of GDP«

The opposition

On the networks there is strong criticism of the publications of the president on sites like X, formerly Twitter, and Majul took the opportunity to delve deeper into the topic. «It bothers them that I use Twitter because they are envious«, states that Elon Musk’s platform gives him the possibility of interacting directly and without intermediaries with other people.

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He also called hypocritical the claim from different sectors of the opposition for the ways that he himself, as well as other members of his cabinet, have of treating and expressing themselves in the rest of the political and social leaders.

He traveled by Milei

He also took the opportunity to talk about two close figures: Victoria Villarruel y Mauricio Macri.

Given the rumors of differences with the vice president, Milei stated that although they have their differences, they are imperceptible and that they maintain a good relationship despite not thinking alike. «We are not fighting with Villarruel» were the words with which he referred to the vice president.

«I get along very well with Mauricio Macri. With the PRO we work in a very aligned way“This is how he spoke about the former president and one of his main pillars during the ballot that finally gave him victory over Sergio Massa. The support of Macri and other members of the PRO such as Patricia Bullrich y Luis Caputo He was thanked by the president in the interview.

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