Home » They sell fake identity documents to Venezuelans desperate to find work in Colorado

They sell fake identity documents to Venezuelans desperate to find work in Colorado

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They sell fake identity documents to Venezuelans desperate to find work in Colorado

CBS News Colorado investigators have uncovered a scheme in Denver that preys on immigrants, potentially making innocent Americans victims of identity theft, while city, state and federal government agencies lose income tax revenue.

Criminals are printing and selling fake identification documents, such as social security and permanent residence cards, to immigrants who are desperate for documentation to find work. Nearly 40,000 immigrants from South and Central America have arrived in Denver in recent months in search of a better life. Many of them have resorted to purchasing false documents because they feel they have no other option in order to feed their families.

One Venezuelan migrant, who wished to remain anonymous, shared his harrowing experience of fleeing Venezuela after being threatened with death by the military. Upon arriving in Denver, he was approached about purchasing fake ID cards for $120, which included both a Social Security card and a green card. The man claims that after placing his order, the cards were ready for him the next day.

“This is everyone’s problem,” the migrant stated. “Everyone, that is, all the migrants who arrive, all the migrants. The first document is this (a fake one).”

The sale of false documents not only exploits vulnerable immigrants but also puts American citizens at risk of identity theft. It is a concerning issue that needs to be addressed to protect both immigrants and the general public.

Government agencies must work together to crack down on criminals selling fake documents and provide support for immigrants who are seeking legitimate ways to secure proper documentation. By doing so, we can ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in our community.

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For more information on this investigation, visit CBS News.

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