Home » Ligia Testa signs NQHOMA Exhibition at Alameda Campinas Decor – MONDO MODA

Ligia Testa signs NQHOMA Exhibition at Alameda Campinas Decor – MONDO MODA

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Ligia Testa signs NQHOMA Exhibition at Alameda Campinas Decor – MONDO MODA

The exposure NQHOMA: We Who Inhabit Someone Else’s World! will occupy the 1076m2 of Alameda Campinas Decor in the 26th edition of the main exhibition of architecture, decoration and landscaping in the interior of São Paulo. The exhibition will take place from March 29th to May 26th at the Clock Building, in the city’s Pátio Ferroviário. The inaugural exhibition runs until April 7th.

Tãnia Martins @ Disclosure

The 22 artists (men and women) present in the NQHOMA collective exhibition will bring works to Alameda Campinas Decor that provoke reflections on gender disparity in the visual arts market. Male artists recognize the fact that only 6% of female artists participate in exhibitions around the world, in major museums. So it is…

Mariana Junqueira @ publicity

For the opening, the gallery @ligiatestaarte chose works by Adriana Baldin, Armando Matiolli, Cris Sagarra, Duda Clementino, Fernanda Carvalho, Felipe Bystroff, Flávia Carvalho Jackson, Gisele Faganello, Ivânia Tanaka, Josie Mengai, Karol Coelho, Luigi Di Mauro, Marcelo Jordão, Mariana Gadelha, Mariana Junqueira, Nadir Santilli, Pamela Machado, Paulo Gavioli, Stephen Linsteadt, Tânia Martins, Teresa Ceregatti and Vanda Direne.
There are paintings, photographs, sculptures, abstract, figurative, geometric, oils, acrylics, watercolors, papier-mâché, gold, spray paint and mixed techniques, in a setting of artistic completeness.

Nadir Santili @ disclosure

The exhibition NQHOMA – We Who Inhabit the Other World brings to the center of the discussion the lack of space for women in the world of art and in the world‘s main museums.

“They continue to conquer their own world, less light than we would like and, once again, it is Art that needs to come out ahead with the flag in hand”, adds Ligia Testa on the theme of the exhibition. That’s why she accepted the invitation to have female artists showing their works and male artists who decided to support and pay homage to them, at Alameda Campinas Decor, a project signed by the firm Jannini and Sagarra Arquitetura.

One of the differences of this space is its architectural beauty, with a gallery spread over more than 1,000 square meters, with lounges and supports for the art exhibition that will take place during Campinas Decor. NQHOMA is the first exhibition that inaugurates the use of the space as an art gallery.

The Skin I Live In Karol Coelho @ Disclosure

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“We believe that the work of art is what gives exclusivity to any space. She – the art, signs with the designer, architect – who is the artist of the space – the composed environment”, explains Ligia about the exhibition inside Campinas Decor. “Come and savor talent, technique, creativity and exclusivity, with new works” concludes the dealer.

NQHOMA Exhibition – Campinas Decor 2024
Where: Railway Yard Clock Building
Exhibition date: starts on March 29th and runs until April 7th
Visiting hours: Tuesday to Friday, from 2pm to 10pm, on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 12:30pm to 10pm;
Location: Clock Building – Pátio Ferroviário (Rua Dr. Sales de Oliveira, 1380, Vila Industrial – Campinas – SP)
Ticket office on site, until 8:30 pm
Ticket price: R$ 60.00 (full) | R$ 30.00 (half) | R$ 100.00 (*passport for all days – except for closed events)
Parking fee: R$ 30.00

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