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what makes Italians happy in 2024? – Cover news

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The International Day of Happiness, celebrated around the world every year on March 20, was established by the UN on June 28, 2012 and represents a time to reflect on the importance of happiness in our lives.
The Covid experience has pushed many people to review the scale of their priorities and the ‘right to happiness’ today is also claimed in the public sphere with much more emphasis and legitimacy.

According to the UN, the International Day of Happiness aims to recognize the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of people around the world, underlining the importance that these become the objective of the political action of governments and of public decision makers.

Worried and tired, but also hopeful

But how happy are Italian men and women? And what are the main sources of happiness?
According to the latest survey by Ipsos Public Affairs, conducted on the occasion of the International Day of Happiness, people in Italy in 2024 are overall happy, but also very worried.

Worry is in fact the emotion most felt by Italians in general, followed by tiredness and hope.
Authentic happiness is pretty low on the list, at just 4%. However, 57% of Italians rate their level of happiness as at least sufficient and only 16% consider themselves seriously unhappy.

Gen Z and Boomers more optimistic than Millennials and Generation X

A moderate serenity, therefore, which however is not distributed homogeneously in society. Men are on average happier, in particular more hopeful, optimistic and serene, while women tend to be more worried, tired and confused.

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At a generational level, the young people of Gen Z, who declare themselves more determined and carefree than the average Italian, and the Boomers, on average more hopeful, are happier, while Generation X and especially the Millennials are decidedly less happy. Anger and apathy characterize the former, tiredness, frustration and melancholy the latter.

Relationships, health, economic well-being make you happy

The sources of happiness for Italians mainly depend on the relational sphere, and over two thirds declare themselves satisfied. Health (65%), quality of free time (62%) and sentimental sphere (60%) are equally important.
As regards the economic situation, the satisfaction values ​​decrease: 54% satisfied with the economic conditions of their family, 48% with the situation in their area and 28% with the national economic situation.

In the aspirations of Italians, the fundamental triad for happiness consists of good health (44%), feeling good with one’s family (38%) and not having financial worries (35%).
But poor health is considered the main threat to happiness far more than economic poverty.

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