Home Ā» Advance booking drives bookings ahead of the spring long weekends. Here are the favorite destinations

Advance booking drives bookings ahead of the spring long weekends. Here are the favorite destinations

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Advance booking drives bookings ahead of the spring long weekends.  Here are the favorite destinations

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The advantages of advance booking have helped Italians plan trips for the upcoming spring weekends. In fact, according to Astoi Confindustria Viaggiā€™s findings, more than 35% of trips were organized more than 3 months in advance. It is the highest value recorded in recent years. The duration of the spring break is 8 days while the destinations range from the mountains to Italy while in the short range the most popular destinations include Ireland, Iceland, the Scandinavian countries and Portugal. As regards medium-long haul in the Middle East, there has been a decline but Egypt with its hundreds of resorts on the Red Sea is not affected by international tensions. Cruises on the Nile are down while consistent bookings are being recorded, although down compared to last year for beach holidays in the Red Sea, in the resorts in Sharm el Sheikh and Marsa Alam. The Canary Islands, Cape Verde and the Dominican Republic also performed well, rising among those who previously preferred the Red Sea. The long haul always moves on a double track: on the one hand, stays in warm seas, such as the Dominican Republic, Maldives and East Africa, on the other, journeys of discovery, itineraries, both in the classic and tailor-made versions. The United States, despite the unfavorable exchange rate, and Japan are always in the hearts of Italians, but Thailand, South Africa and all of South America also arouse great interest. Reservations for China begin again after a long period of blackout. In the cruise sector, spring confirms the growing trend in bookings that is characterizing 2024. According to Clia, the Association that brings together the main companies, this year in Italy the quota of 14 million passengers handled will be exceeded compared to 13, 8 of 2023, which confirms the Bel Paese as the main European destination. Cruises in the Mediterranean do well for week-long trips, while those who take a 15-day holiday embark on cruises that visit Portugal, Morocco, Turkey, Greece, the Canary Islands and the Azores.

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Ā«Bookings for the Easter period and spring long weekends recorded an 8% growth in revenue over 2023 and almost all of the destinations involved show a positive trend. Organized tourism records higher percentage growth than tourism in general, a sign that it is finally chosen by consumers for the irreplaceable values ā€‹ā€‹that characterize it ā€“ explains Pier Ezhaya, President of Astoi Confindustria Viaggi -. It is perceived by people as a source of guarantees, but also as a channel where they can book more personalized experiences that are difficult to find individually. Operators are able to offer this type of travel thanks to their long and profound knowledge of the territories and local populations, and this helps to mark a profound difference with the flight+hotel bookings available on technological platforms. We also look with confidence to the upcoming summer: we estimate a growth in revenues of 10% for the summer period which will contribute to consolidating the already good summer season of 2023 and strengthening the entire sectorā€.

Confirmation comes from the Sea forecasts, the company that manages the Milan airports. Between March 28th and April 3rd, almost 735 thousand passengers are expected to depart or arrive at Linate and Malpensa, with an increase of 10% compared to the 2023 Easter long weekend and with a +4.9% on the 2019 long weekend. The routes the most popular are those coming from and to European countries (54%) and other Italian destinations (just over 25%). The remaining routes (around 21%) involve non-European destinations with an improvement in Asia-Middle East compared to 2023: growth of over 3%.

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The analysis of holidaymakers

The average duration of the trip for the spring holidays is around 8 days with an average expense per person ranging between 1,150 euros for a nearby holiday which becomes 1,600 euros for one in villages and resorts up to 3,500 euros and more for tailor-made holidays, looking for unique experiences. The increase in the price of services, compared to 2023, was more contained, equal to approximately +5% compared to last year and essentially concerned the flight component because the contractual strength of tour operators who opt for charter flights manages to contain the increases. The organized tourism sector is suffering due to the long time required for issuing passports and Astoi hopes that the situation can quickly improve and be resolved definitively, so as not to impact on summer bookings. One of the challenges of organized tourism is being able to attract young people. This target is approaching the tour operator and travel agency supply chain as it is more attentive to the quality of services and safety than in the past; mainly beach holidays are chosen and, to a lesser extent, itinerant trips.

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