Home » Alkolenker (54) got stuck with a truck on the Inn cycle path

Alkolenker (54) got stuck with a truck on the Inn cycle path

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Alkolenker (54) got stuck with a truck on the Inn cycle path

According to the police, he is said to have committed three hit-and-run traffic accidents between 2 a.m. and 4:45 a.m. The 54-year-old is said to have touched two house walls and driven around a garden fence. Because he then wanted to steer his vehicle along the Inn cycle path, there was ultimately no way forward – the truck got stuck on the cycle path.

It was only around 12:30 p.m. that an employee of a company in Suben became aware of the truck and called the police. The drunk Bulgarian was forbidden to continue driving, the vehicle keys were taken away and a security deposit was required. Several reports were made to the Schärding district administration.


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