Home » Stanislav Lobotka – La Serie: Will he be Busquets’ heir in Barcelona?

Stanislav Lobotka – La Serie: Will he be Busquets’ heir in Barcelona?

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Stanislav Lobotka – La Serie: Will he be Busquets’ heir in Barcelona?

Stanislav Lobotka has now conquered everyone in Europe. The Slovakian, transformed by Spalletti into the “brain” of the formidable team capable of winning the scudetto, has been among the most positive this season too. The crisis that the Neapolitans are experiencing this season and which could lead to exclusion from the next Champions League could take the Slovakian away from Vesuvius. Barcelona has shown strong interest in him in recent days, but the Catalan club is not the only one that likes Lobotka.

Lobotka: brains and muscles at the service of the team

Everyone knows the story of the adventure of Lobotka a Napoli. An marginalized player with Gattuso, Spalletti’s arrival changed his life. For three years now the Slovakian has been Napoli’s permanent center of gravity. Even in this unfortunate season, the number 68 of the Neapolitans was essential. The former Celta Vigo is the classic “defensive screen” that no team would like to give up. His statistics in the current Serie A talk about 29 games as a starter with 100 duels won, 18 intercepted balls, 50 stolen balls and 92% of successful passes. Impressive numbers that demonstrate how Lobotka is currently among the best interpreters of the role. De Laurentiis is asking for around 40 million euros for him. In the summer someone could come forward.

Lobotka al Barcellona: 40%

President Laporta recently spoke out about the arrival of Lobotkain an interview with Sports world: “We also spoke with Deco about the possible arrival of Lobotka from Napoli, Barcelona would sign him. But many other things would have to happen first.” Barcelona said goodbye to Busquets last summer and were unable to find a replacement of Spanish. This is where all the team’s non-possession problems this season came from. This is why the midfielder remains a player of great interest.

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Lobotka al Manchester United: 35%

Second The Athleticil Manchester United he would be thinking about Lobotka for next season. The Red Devils will send Amrabat back to Fiorentina in the summer, given that the Moroccan did not convince, and they will look for another equalizer in the middle of the field. The Slovakian is at the top of Ten Hag’s preferences and the club has already started initial contacts with the player’s entourage.

Lobotka al Newcastle: 25%

Also the Newcastlealways second The Athleticis on the trail of Lobotka. The Magpies are ready to invest heavily next season after the disappointing year they have just experienced. Among the departments to be strengthened the most is the midfield and Lobotka is considered an important target. Currently, however, the company controlled by the Pif fund is starting behind because in all likelihood it will not make the cups and this could have a significant specific weight in the choice of the Slovakian.

Davide Luciani

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