Home » Rumor: More signs that Microsoft is making an Xbox handheld console – Sina Hong Kong

Rumor: More signs that Microsoft is making an Xbox handheld console – Sina Hong Kong

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Rumor: More signs that Microsoft is making an Xbox handheld console – Sina Hong Kong

Rumors Swirl Around Potential Xbox Handheld Console

Over the past few months, speculation has been running rampant about the possibility of Microsoft developing a handheld Xbox console. The buzz has only intensified with hints dropped by key figures in the Xbox team.

Phil Spencer, the head honcho at Xbox, recently teased the idea of a portable Xbox in a social media post. Xbox president Sarah Bond further fueled the rumors when she mentioned that exciting hardware developments would be unveiled this holiday season.

Adding to the rumors is Jez Corden, a reputable editor at Windows Central, who suggested on the Xbox Two podcast that Microsoft has prototypes for a handheld Xbox in the works. Corden clarified that these are new products, not rehashed ideas, and that the potential console would be fully native to the Xbox ecosystem, not reliant on cloud technology.

While these reports are still speculative, the growing buzz around a handheld Xbox console is catching the attention of gamers. With the recent success of PC-based handhelds like the Steam Deck and others, it’s not unreasonable for fans to be curious about Microsoft’s plans for a portable gaming device.

As the rumors continue to swirl, one question remains: how interested are you in a portable Xbox? Only time will tell if these rumors will materialize into a tangible product, but for now, it seems like Xbox fans have something exciting to look forward to.

Source: Gamereactor.cn

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